Amongst various methods of hernia treatment, laparoscopic hernia surgery is quite common nowadays. It is a relatively easy, fast, and safe method. In the procedure, doctors inflate the abdomen using some harmless gas. It gives a better view of the inner parts and organs. Doctors make a few small cuts or incisions near a hernia. A thin tube with a tiny camera attached on end is inserted through the incisions.
The camera sends images that get displayed on the computer monitor. Doctors look at the monitor to perform the repair of a hernia using a mesh. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The time required for laparoscopic hernia surgery recovery depends on various parameters. However, the time required is undoubtedly less than conventional surgery. Is it possible to treat all types of hernia by laparoscopic surgery? No, doctors decide it based on the type, size, and location. Factors like age, health, and lifestyle are also important.
Recovery, what should you expect?
As you wake up in the recovery room after the surgery, the pain is managed by giving painkillers. Sometimes, there is nausea, dizziness, or fatigue. It is very common (typically known as postoperative symptoms). If the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, then you may feel a sore throat. It happens due to the breathing tube. However, it is not a big problem. It subsides automatically within three to four days.
All the vital signs are monitored by the staff during the recovery period. On the same day of the surgery, you are allowed to stand or even walk slowly. On average, patients are discharged within three to six hours after the surgery. Some patients need a relatively long time for laparoscopic hernia surgery recovery. Painkillers and antibiotics are given to minimize the pain and risk of infections. There are obvious side-effects of these medicines, e.g., constipation, nausea, or upset stomach.
The medicines are prescribed for two to four days after the surgery. Hence, it is not a major problem. The outer bandage is removed after two days and the skin glue after a week. Mild to moderate incision pain and groin discomfort may last for a few days (maximum two weeks). Within three to six months, 99.99% of patients become non-symptomatic. Moderate exercise
like walking, treadmill, or stationary bike can be resumed after two weeks. However, no heavy exercise
should be done without consulting the specialist.
Thus, the laparoscopic procedure is a relatively safer and easier process that causes laparoscopic hernia surgery recovery. Laparoscopic hernia surgery recovery is easy and quick when compared to traditional hernia surgery recovery. Because laparoscopic surgery involves very minimal invasion.
Top 10 minimal invasive hernia operation surgeon & doctor hospitals in Bangalore for endo hernia, laparoscopic hernia, Inguinal hernia, Umbilical hernia, Ventral hernia & hiatus hernia treatment.