When you are selling land you should watch for the type of land that you are working with. Your land can be classified in a variety of ways. These include different types of lands and the amount of space that you are working with.

The permission for developments to take place on your land is important to watch for. Some groups will happily buy land you are selling if there is permission to develop new things on that land available. If there is no permission available for any future developments it will more than likely be difficult for you to get your land to be sold off.

In the United Kingdom there are three different types of land sites that can be used for land purposes. The chances of you getting your land sold can vary in accordance with the type of site that it is on. The easiest of these three types of land to look into is the Brownfield type. This is a type of land that is located inside of an urban area that has experienced some prior form of commercial development. In many cases you will be able to be guaranteed a sale of your land when looking to get this option sold off.

The second type of land to see when selling land is that of a Greenfield site. This is a type of site that has not had any prior commercial development on it. In most cases Greenfield land can be land that has been used for agricultural purposes to help with getting plants and other materials handled. You should be able to get this type of land sold off but the chances will generally be influenced by the amount of land that is going to be sold.

The third type, which is also the most difficult type of land to get sold, is a Green Belt land site. This is a type of land that is located outside of an urban area and is generally difficult to get things to be developed on. This comes from how this land area is generally used to help with dividing an urban area from an outside area. The odds of you being able to get any land that is classified as Green Belt land will be tough but you could end up being more likely to sell it in the future as the need for housing in urban areas increases over time.

The next factor to see with regards to selling land involves the number of acres of land that you are going to be selling. When you are looking to sell five acres of land or less you may end up being able to get land sold off to a group that is interested in taking care of some residential or commercial construction developments.

If the amount of acreage that you are going to be selling is higher you will more than likely be able to get more money off of it because of the great amount of size that is involved here. However the purpose of use for that land can vary. In some cases this type of land can be used for a massive development plan but in other cases it can be used simply with agricultural purposes in mind.

These factors are important things to watch for when it comes to getting land handled. Your land can be seen as one of three different types of sites with each site having different chances of being bought up by someone. The size of the land you have is important to see as well.

Author's Bio: 

Steven Martin is an experienced land purchaser and also provides a Quick Land Sale service. He works at http://selling-land.co.uk