Giving and taking is relevant to making a relationship last for the long-term. When attempting to get your ex boyfriend back, you will need to engage this critical aspect of a relationship. Mending a broken relationship can be hard work but with some simple knowledge and advice, you can increase your chances of getting him back for good.

The first step to getting him back is to focus on the causes of the break up and figure out what went wrong. Once you know the causes, you can use them to your advantage by getting rid of any stresses that caused the breakup in the first place.

When your relationship breaks up, you must understand that something went wrong. When it comes to your boyfriend leaving you, this could be one of two things:

1. You were not around enough for his liking and he felt that there wasn't enough of a relationship to stay.2. Your boyfriend felt smothered because you were around him way too much.

Both of these reasons will lead to a relationship end, regardless of which one it is. Being aware of what went wrong in your relationship can help you further down the track.

In most cases, it is usually a matter of something that you did, or something that you neglected to do. Although this may sound blunt, it works this way in most cases. The person who ends the relationship, in this instance; your boyfriend, would have felt driven away.

Now we need to change this situation by preventing this from ever happening again. So, take the time to really have a good look at what when wrong in your relationship, and then think about what you could do to turn that situation around.

Forget about anything that was not your fault, or anything that was beyond your control but focus in on the things that you can change. If the cause of the split is something you can change, your chances of winning your boyfriend back will be higher.

Even if the chances of winning him back are high, you will still need to be able to make the necessary changes in order to win him back. Having the knowledge to get back with your ex is the first step. But unless you are willing to do something about it, nothing will happen to change your current situation.

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The next step to get him back forever is looking at finding a simple strategy. The no contact rule works well in the situation where you have been smothering your boyfriend. It gives the purpose of giving your ex boyfriend room to start to miss you.