We can all work together to help others in our community by doing chores and raising money for charities with activities such as bake sales and selling badges to wear in support of charities, like the famous badge campaign for a breast cancer charity . Anything that you can do to help charities or your community is worthwhile, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

Examples of caring activities include:

1.Doing extra voluntary work in school –This can include loading up the vending machines with new stock to help out those who normally carry out this activity, tending the gardens to help out the gardening staff, litter control, to clean up the school of litter and dirt.

2.Giving up your place on a bus for an elderly person – This can help out the elderly in giving them a place to rest on a bus or train when travelling. As they are elderly, they will often have weaker muscles that a younger person, and so will find it harder to stand for a long period of time on a bus, making them tired. This also applies to pregnant women carrying a heavy baby with them, but in this case you must be 100% sure that the woman is pregnant before offering, as this can be seen as an insult if she is not.

3.Organising a charity event – If you organise a charity event, you are succeeding in doing two great things. Firstly, you are raising money and awareness for your chosen charity, such as a Breast Cancer Charity , giving them great support in a caring and thoughtful way that is greatly helpful. Secondly, you are bringing your community together, by getting them to come together in one place, meaning that you are promoting community togetherness, which will in turn assist any Community Care Services in the future.

4.Collecting books /magazine for patients in a hospital – Anyone who has spent any stretch of time in a hospital bed will tell you how boring it can be when you have no visitors. Therefore it is a great lift to the mood of the patients if they have books or magazines to read to pass their time. If you collect books and magazines that people no longer want or have read already, you can donate them to a hospital in order to give the patients something to read that will brighten their day.

5.Collecting recyclable material – This can include items such as cardboard or paper, but you must be sure to keep these clean and dry as they are hard to recycle otherwise. By collecting your old cardboard and paper, you are helping the environment by removing the need for more trees to be cut down to make cardboard and paper in the future.

Author's Bio: 

Community Care Social Work is a vital part of public awareness projects like We Care. With Philanthropic Support and charity donations provided by Bonita Trust, aim of Gibraltar community care is met. Visit http://www.wecaregib.com for more information.