I rarely see a patient with low testosterone levels who does not also have a serious imbalance in some or all of the other major hormones regulating metabolism, body chemistry, and disease progression.Here are 6 of the key hormones your doctor should test for … and the importance of maintaining optimal levels of each:
Testosterone – as we age, our testosterone levels decline, causing us to become moody, unhappy, forgetful, and disinterested in sex. Other symptoms of low testosterone range from loss of muscle mass and physical strength to accumulation of excessive belly fat.
Cortisol – too much stress causes cortisol to rise to dangerous levels. Result: elevated blood sugar, weight gain, weakened immune system, loss of bone density, sleeping problems, and compromised immune system.
Thyroid hormone – an important controller for your metabolism, the thyroid performs a myriad of critical functions – from keeping body temperature normal and efficiently burning fat for energy, to regulating blood glucose and enabling neurotransmitters to work.
DHEA – your body depends on adequate DHEA levels to create the hormones that manage cholesterol … reduce formation of fatty deposits … promote bone growth … maintain ideal body weight … regulate blood sugar levels … and improve cognitive thinking.
Growth hormone – human growth hormone is required for mineralization of bone, tissue rejuvenation, protein synthesis, insulin regulation, and other essential biological functions in both children and adults.
Estradiol/Estrone – though estradiol and estrone are primary female sex hormones, men need small amounts of them too, because estradiol aids the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and zinc — minerals important for bones, teeth, and our immune system. But too much estrone or estradiol can have a deleterious effect on prostate health.
Optimizing levels of these key hormones could help you add
up to 7 to 10 years to your life.
We evaluate the hormone profile balance using Biofeedback
devices and recommend natural hormone replacements.
DR. George Grant, Ph.D., I.M.D.
Specialist in Nutrition, Stress, and Biofeedback