I love what I'm witnessing on this planet! In this wake of immense tragedy and wounding, more and more, we are "keeping our face in the light"! There is an unshakable, determined, collective choice to NOT be drawn into the fear and desperation, but to stand up taller and hold the lantern high. I see heroes all around, on every corner, in every marathon, on every airplane, in every person who continues to live IN the world, rather than huddled behind closed doors.

I believe what we are experiencing is further evidence that the collective shift has indeed occurred! The psychic pull toward suffering and fear is the old paradigm...the collective "fear of the dark", so to speak, and it is time now for the collective consciousness to "catch up" as the illusion falls away. The light is most definitely ALIVE and shining bright! If you know of what I speak, you are indeed awake and very much needed to illuminate the way for others. It is time to turn away from fear and suffering and dance in the JOY of LIVING!

It is when we come home to our Truth; our Divine, authentic essence, and we are willing to heal and release the illusion that we have ever, or WILL ever, be unworthy, unloved, or separate from Source, that we will know on every level, with every fiber of our being, that we are LOVE, we are JOY, and we are ALL here to experience ourselves as such.

Those who remain in darkness need LIGHT, not more darkness! Dimming our light will not help them find their way. It is not without compassion that we turn away, but with greater compassion and renewed hope for the light in EVERY Soul.

So YES! It's time to dance and sing and make a joyful noise, even in the face of heartbreak and darkness. Let your vibration resonate so Divinely and with so much love that others will awaken, too...others will heal. Stay in the center, keep YOUR face in the light, and hold the lantern high!

Author's Bio: 

Kate Bares-Johnson is a Spiritual/Life guide and the founding director of The Center for Well Being in Austin, Tx. Kate specializes in Intuitive guidance and counseling for individuals and couples, Soul Integration Therapy®, Akashic Record Readings, NLP® Coaching, Time Line Therapy™, Past Life and Childhood Regression, Codependency Recovery, and Spiritual/ Life Coaching. Whether through private sessions, on-going classes, or full weekend retreat intensives, her work lends a very real and powerful approach to life as a “choice”. For more information, scheduling, or to register for upcoming classes and retreats, visit www.thecenterforwellbeing.com or contact The Center for Well Being at 512-249-5683 or kate@thecenterforwellbeing.com