Lifting weights has never been very appealing to me. And the saying – “No pain, no gain” – has never been on my list of top 10 quotes. Growing physically strong might not be your cup of tea either, but hopefully growing strong in the Lord is. Daniel 11:32 says this: “But the people who know their God will be strong...” Here’s a fun Bible object lesson to share with your children to help them learn that they too can grow in the knowledge of God and grow strong.

Here’s what you do:
The objects you will use for this lesson will be 3 small barbells. Label each one either faith , hope or love. Place all the objects on a table for the children to see.

Ask the following questions to help stimulate discussion:

1. What are these objects on the table? (Wait for response. Help them if they are not sure what barbells or dumbbells are.)
2. What do we use barbells for? (Wait for responses such as we use them to make our muscles strong.)
3. Raise your hand if you think it is important to get strong? (Wait for responses.)
4. You’re right. It’s very important to grow strong. Not just physically, but spiritually as well.
5. Have a child read Daniel 11:32.
6. Say the following: This Bible verse says that as we get to know God, we will become strong. Let’s learn a little more about this Bible verse and how it teaches us to live our lives for God. Let’s learn 3 important points about this truth.

Point 1: You can know or have knowledge about a lot of things in your life like math, soccer or computer games. But knowing God is the best knowledge you could ever have!

Point 2: Knowing God makes us strong. Just like a weightlifter lifts barbells to make his muscles strong. Christians should lift up and open their Bibles to learn everything they can about God.

Point 3: Here are 3 ways your knowledge of God can make you strong:
1. Knowledge of God can strengthen your faith . There are many, many stories in the Bible of people who were led by God and their faith was strengthened.
2. Knowledge of God can strengthen your hope. Hoping and waiting for something that God has promised us, but that we’ve never see is not easy. But the more you get to know God, the more patient you will have to wait.
3. Knowledge of God can strengthen your love. Gaining more knowledge of God is like opening a door to a room you are not familiar with, looking in and seeing Jesus. Or it’s like painting a picture and little by little you begin to see a portrait of Jesus and you begin to love Him more. To love Jesus is to truly know Him.

This 3-Point Bible Object Lesson for Kids was inspired by my reading of C.H. Spurgeon’s devotional on Daniel 11:32 from his book Morning and Evening. You too can be inspired by your favorite Christian authors and come up with your own 3-Point Sermon for Kids.

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Author's Bio: 

Kathy Vincent is the director of a performing ministry for children called The Scripture Lady and has been traveling around Southern California for the past 15 years ministering to preschoolers and elementary aged children with the Word of God through musical, thematic presentations.

She is also a regular seminar speaker, author/creator of over 30 products for the Christian children's worker and a veteran homeschooling mom of two.