How would your life be different if you listened to your soul's whisperings to you?

"How do I know my soul even is whispering to me?" you may ask.

How can it not whisper to you? It is the largest part of you! It's the part of you that keeps calling you in your daydreams and in your night dreams. If you constantly dream of hiking, sailing, writing, painting, crunching numbers, baking, leadership, public speaking , or anything else and you're not doing it... then you're not listening to your spirit. It calls you when you're longing for something bigger or something that you feel passionate about.

Do you feel plugged in, turned on, empowered and alive? If so, how often? I'm going to go against a lot of the religious programming here and tell you that your soul wants you to be joyful, free, and ecstatic, not dutiful, dour, and oppressed. We are meant to create and enjoy our lives, not muck about in depression , obligation and misery.

The cure for all that down energy is to change your mind about what your life is about. Yes, I'm actually telling you that you have it within you to cure yourself of depression and weariness by changing your mind and choosing joy! It will also probably take a lot of work to follow that decision, but to decide right now that your life gets to be your masterpiece could be the single most important decision you ever make.

You will need support in that decision. Your comrades and your close ones will be startled when you suddenly wake up and decide that your life is your own masterpiece. You may experience what we call in the corporate world "pushback", but don't let that deter you from becoming the most joyful version of you that you can imagine. In fact, give yourself permission to soar above your own expectations!

There are myriad ways of going about transforming, and I own a tiny piece of it. My work is all about having people come into joyous creation and spiritual union and taking charge of their lives.

I'd love to have you in my new class called " Abundance and Flow" which is a class all about how to make your life work with spirit doing most of the work. How would you like to open up to all that you are without tons of work on your part? How would you love to know your TRUE DIRECTION? When you're lined up with your Higher Self, your life just works.

This class is a 3 hour workshop on a beautiful yacht in Marina Del Rey. We will have our first workshop on Wednesday, February 3, from 7-10. The cost is $105 and comes with a workbook/journal. This is not like any other Law Of Attraction course you have ever seen! You will be accessing your spirit and communicating with your true self.

Abundance and Flow
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
7-10 p.m.
Pier 44 Marina
13575 Mindanao Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Cost: $105If you have taken a course of mine before and you pay for this course by Jan. 1, you can take the course for $65!

Author's Bio: 

Holly Mae Howard is a Los Angeles based Psychic Channeler who works with two different high level Master guides: Malcolm and Ingira to assist people in finding the answers to Life’s questions. She has been working as an empath for over 20 years, and began working as a psychic channeler in 2007. Holly can be reached at or you can visit her website at .
Holly studied psychic development with Echo Bodine, a gifted psychic and teacher in Minneapolis, and was influenced greatly by the late Paul Michael Davies, who channeled Plautus for many years. Paul was the premier psychic of Minneapolis, Minnesota in his time.
Holly’s former background was in corporate recruitment, which gave her ease in working with all types of personalities.
After attending a psychic gathering in 2007, and receiving a channeled reading, Holly attempted channeling herself, which is where she met Malcolm, her first of several guides. Malcolm is a wise, compassionate spirit with an interest in information, and especially in health and nutrition. In most readings, whether he is the guide who is speaking for the duration or not, Malcolm will give the client a health scan and recommended food list, as well as a list of foods to avoid.
Ingira is a very loving guide who calls people up to their highest potential. She and Malcolm often team up to do most of the readings together.
Holly’s mission is to empower people to make life decisions in their highest interests, as well as to inspire the creative passion in others.
Holly is also an artist who discovered her talent for painting several years ago, and has produced many beautiful works of art, which she showcases on her art website: .