We all want to live in a world where people don't judge each other, we're all looking for the inner beauty , and clothes don't mean anything. We're evolving - but today, the truth is it does matter. A lot.

I would consider myself "fashionally challenged". I've never put much interest in what I wore, what my colors are, what my hair looks like, and what shoes I'm wearing. I am one of those people that leaves the house in no makeup, raggedy sweats, and hair pulled back. I'm one of those people who some people might say "did she NOT look in the mirror before she left the house?" Sometimes, no.

I'm moving toward a life in which I am speaking professionally, coaching, and teaching. It's a very public job I have. Whether or not I like it - image is important. I realize more and more that when I walk in looking sharp, well put together, wearing colors that compliment my features, and feminine yet powerful - people TRUST me more. They feel safe with me. They are more likely to listen to me, buy products from me, sign up for things I'm offering, and invite me to speak at their events. When I look like that - I am holding an image that I know what I'm doing and successful.

When I'm wearing sweats, I'm still the same person. However, recently I had to ask myself what I was really committed to. I wondered how much I wanted to serve others, and what I could do to help me get in that position of serving on a large scale the way I feel called to.

I need a makeover. BAD.

I met a woman named Yvette Ervin, who you will read about in my "Anastasia Recommends" section below. Yvette and I have had just one meeting so far, and here are some tips that she gave me:

1. Know your colors. She does this, and there are people who specialize in doing your colors for you. Once you know, you can get a wardrobe that has these colors and know that everything you wear is flattering and brings out your natural beauty .

2. Keep it simple. She told me to stay away from a lot of crazy patterns, at least for speaking engagements and keep it simple & elegant. The point is not to draw to much attention to my clothes, but to have my clothes bring out my inner beauty . I remember a quote by Coco Chanel "Dress shabbily they notice the dress. Dress impeccably they notice the woman."

3. Get a couple of "uniforms". Have 2 - 3 outfits that are put together with everything - shoes, accessories, hair style - that is ready to go for business meetings and speaking engagements. You don't have to think about what to wear - it's ready to go and you can concentrate on your powerful inner presence.

4. Make your makeup look like you're not wearing makeup. Keep it light and simple. Again, know those colors.

5. Get creative. A new wardrobe doesn't need to cost a fortune. Consignment shops are great to get very low priced designer clothes!

6. Simple, easy to do hairstyles is a must. Pick styles that fit your face, this is a good thing to talk to an image consultant or a professional hairdresser about. Something that you love that makes you feel beautiful!

6. Good shoes. Enough said.

Remember that in order to change the world, we first have to get people to sit up and listen. Don't let your image get in the way, let it help you. The truth is, it feels great to look great. Go out there and let your beauty shine through!

Author's Bio: 

Anastasia Netri, the business building expert and “Glass ceiling buster” is the founder of ALN Enterprises, a company that helps conscientious women leaders get more yes's, help more people, and make more money.

She has a passion for helping women move into more powerful leadership roles so they can help the world evolve, build community, and experience true human potential.

Anastasia calls herself a spiritual teacher who works through the lens of business building. She specializes in totally inspirational, non-fear based marketing, and teaches hundreds of entrepreneurs how to bring their clients to a full body YES!

Her website is: http://www.anastasia-netri.com .