If you are a throwing athlete, you may have suffered internal impingement at one time. These injuries can affect the posterior labrum or the rotator cuff. Your posterior-superior region can be partially torn or frayed and the damage can extend upwards to the biceps tendon, leading to a SLAP tear. Internal impingement shoulder injuries cause partial damage to the underside of the rotator cuff. This problem occurs when the upper part of the humerus is pinched against the labrum, making your shoulder lack internal rotation capabilities. At Synergy Orthopedic Specialists, your leading La Jolla, CA orthopedic shoulder & elbow surgeon , is ready to take this pain off your shoulder.

Indications of Internal Impingement

Among the most common signs of internal impingement shoulder injuries include:
• Pain when taking part in overhead sports or throwing (such as tennis and volleyball serves)
• Front of the shoulder becoming tender (coracoid process/ pectoralis minor tendon)
• Tenderness around the posterior shoulder capsule and scapula

Upon examination, your doctor will discover that your shoulder mobility has slight abnormalities. If you are an athlete who takes part in throws, your shoulder may be found to have an extended external rotation and a slightly limited internal rotation. You may have difficulty reaching up to your backside and you may notice slight signs of shoulder joint instability in the affected shoulder. Shoulder instability is a significant contributor to the development of internal impingement injuries.

Your doctor will conduct an x-ray test or use an MRI to help give detailed results on the extent of bone damage including bruising.

Treatment Options

Your Synergy Orthopedic Specialists will first address your shoulder mechanics problem using non-invasive treatments. Your treatment plan's primary focus is to help your shoulder regain normal rotation and improve the scapula's movement throughout the shoulder's motion. The scapula plays a vital role in normal shoulder movements since it holds the socket of the shoulder joint.

You can experience symptoms of internal impingement on your shoulder when the socket fails to achieve a coordinated movement with the rest of the shoulder. Whether you are an athlete or are an office worker, Kristopher Downing, MD, and Daniel Brereton, DO, can help find relief to this discomfort to help strengthen and improve the mechanics of your shoulder.

If your condition fails to improve with noninvasive surgery, your doctor may recommend arthroscopic shoulder surgery. The surgery will help correct damage to the labrum and the rotator cuff and also the instability with the shoulder joint, which can be at the heart of your problem.

Schedule a Visit to Your Doctor Today

If shoulder pain is preventing you from achieving your athletic or fitness goals, it is time to stop that. Synergy Orthopedic Specialists have modern equipment and combined years of experience to help you get relief from shoulder pain due to internal impingement injuries. Visit us today to have one of our specialists address all your concerns and conduct tests to help get to the root cause of your problems for a comprehensive treatment plan.

Author's Bio: 

Amna khan