"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.” ~Zen Saying

When life seems to be going in many directions at once, think about conscious intentional relaxation . It is simply bringing your awareness and your intention to allow your mind, body and spirit to relax. It only takes a few seconds or minutes, but how often do we take the time to do this?

As you concentrate on your breathe and not your mind, this feeling of relaxation takes you deeper inside yourself. The relaxation response helps you feel supported inside so that you can remain centered in the highest vibrations of love, peace and oneness. This is the only way you can experience what you truly want in your life.

The combination of our awareness of our breathing and being conscious about our intention to relax can have significant effects on the mind,the body and one’s moods. This helps you become more physically relaxed and mentally centered. This is something simple and quick that can help you feel relaxed, alert, and more ready for anything.

By setting our intention to relax, we also warm our heart; uplift our spirit, which gives us the space to remain confident.

Our intentions play a very important role in our lives. Become aware of your intentions throughout your day and consciously set your intention to relax. This is especially important when life seems to be overwhelming or we are surrounded by chaos. These are the times when it most important to make a habit of setting your intentions to relax. This will have a cumulative effect, the more you intentionally relax your mind,body and spirit. Your body, mind, and spirit will react to this conditioned response and become more relaxed and able to cope with the ups and downs of life.

Go to the safe space within your heart that is filled with love, joy and abundance NOW and intentionally RELAX.

Author's Bio: 

Sue has always been a proponent of using natural methods whenever possible. So, when the opportunity became available to use natural therapeutic therapies to help individuals achieve a return to wholeness, she pursued this path and became certified as a Healing Touch Practitioner. Sue became involved with Healing Touch in 1998 and received her certification as a Healing Touch practitioner in 2002. She is also a Certified Integrated Energy Therapy Practitioner, a Reiki Practitioner, and a Quantum Touch Practitioner. She also uses energy-based therapies for trauma release work with success. When working with Volunteers of America, Sue was able to provide sessions for disaster relief workers as well as members of the National Guard while they were dealing with the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita in La. Sue has worked with traditional medical facilities, oncology clinics and hospice organizations and has assisted clients in operating and recovery rooms providing energy based modalities.
For more information about energy healing, please visit my website
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