The full moon in Taurus rose on the 24th, it is going to have a big impact on each of us – and will continue to do so for at least the next two weeks. Underlying it is going to be the choice of moving from surviving to thriving and other "whats" we desire.

There was a timeless feel to it as it rose in the sky to start our ceremony. Helping to move us out of the limitations of time and into the soul connection. Meaning evolution without expectation as to any specific timing.

Taurus is a very personal sign. It asks you what you want, what you need, what you desire?

Change Will Happen

It is also a fixed sign, so it likes stability. Which means sometimes it has difficulty in stepping out of its comfort zone, resisting change.

However with this Taurus full moon, change is inevitable. Uranus shifts all energy not aligned with the Creator, so it is going to ensure there is an injection of exciting shifts – each of us is being asked to step out of our comfort zone, or expect a push to do so.

The Taurus moon’s ruler is Venus, goddess of love, money, creativity, and beauty . Retrograde since 5th October, our sights are being focused backward and within.

Because of the influence of Uranus, if not in love then change and excitement will appear in another area of our life. Financial windfalls are possible, though be extra careful with money. Avoid a tendency to gamble or invest in schemes which offer high and quick returns.

The 25th marked the end of the first 20 days since Venus went retrograde. Meaning the next 20 days, until Venus goes direct on 16th November, are to initiate new projects, including relationships. Especially to create your material wealth.

And Then Sagittarius First Appears

The blessing of this moon and Uranus conjunction is that it allows you to accept your uniqueness and accept differences in others. Meaning progress toward realising your destiny and progressive thought are being favoured.

The 31st October provides us with the genius number, you will be guided to discover what has value to you. Venus is also opposite Uranus, meaning the way you love will change, something will shift within your relationship or in it. If you feel boxed in or restricted in any relationship, now is the moment to break free.

As Venus governs your values, this means any inauthentic friendships or partnerships will be challenged. Venus also governs money, so this aspect may also transform.

On same day Venus moves from Scorpio to Libra. This provides a change of emphasis in our examination of past relationships or into the history of our current ones. We will begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel on issues.

This will be essential as the day before, Mercury moved into Sagittarius. Mercury is the planet of factual information. Mercury only believes in what he or she can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell.

Sagittarius though is the planet of abstract knowledge, of dogma, of what we believe without questioning. Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy and religion .

Where Mercury sees the details, Sagittarius the big picture. Meaning in the coming weeks, you may struggle with seeing the forest for the trees.

New Beginnings

1st November brings many number 1s – 1+11+ the 11 of this Universal year. Meaning it is day of clarity and decisions with regard to beginnings and freedom. Jupiter´s position will also benefit your wellbeing once you are open to experiencing new possibilities.

This will offer the chance for healing your mind, body, spirit as well as a deeper understanding in your life. It offers the chance to discover new perspectives as to your destiny. Indicating how your abilities, gifts and skills can be used to continue your soul´s desire to expand.

This is the moment to finish re-calibrating, re-orientating yourself. Particularly with regard to relationships, money and financial flow. No longer will it be possible to ignore your desired outcomes - actions will have to be taken to create them!

If you find yourself at a transition point in your life where you are wondering whether to commit or not, and you like the idea of doing something truly meaningful, rewarding and also profitable, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with me. Message me to explore possibilities.

Focus on the Small Steps to…

November as a whole has the potential to be THE turning point in your life. It is a 4 (11 + 11) Universal month, helping us to create a solid foundation for our future. We are being supported to take better care of all aspects of our being, as well as our work.

As a 4 we are taking our desire from outline into action to create it. Overlaying this, we are being asked to make a paradigm shift – from surviving to thriving. Using this month´s sense of practicality to ground your dreams .

However, to realise all their potential means doing so from the sense of thriving, NOT that of surviving, struggling or being the victim. Yes there will be confusion and chaos. As I have said to several recently, this is a good sign. For it means a transition is underway. How quickly depends on…..

…focusing on the next small step, so preventing overwhelm. Do so and by the end of November you will be astounded at what has been created. Quite possibly from over the horizon, beyond what you had initially dreamt.

One Spirit Work

Our next event is 9th January with Constellations to Harmony. Do you feel held back by past events, desire to have a life of freedom? Want to change the Constellation your beliefs have created around you, this one day workshop focuses on shifting what you no longer desire. Are you ready to take action to do so?

This will be followed on 16th and 17th February by Discovering the Inner Realms…a Journey into Shamanism.

A full list of events can be found on Shamanics in Portugal´s Facebook page as well as web site - .

For those wishing to change their life and looking for assistance to do so, I am shortly starting a free five day challenge. Entitled "Make 2019 the Year You Change Your Life" my intention is you will learn some tools to help you identify the conflict creating your pain and discomfort. Once you have this awareness it is then possible to address it.

The challenge will run inside my Facebook group - Conscious Business Tribe. To participate in the challenge you must join the group. When you do so you will be able to download for free a copy of my latest book “5 Simple Ways to Enjoy Abundance in Your Life Today!”

Join today to download this book as well as my coming challenge - Make 2019 the Year You Change Your Life.
Embrace Who You Are -

On 6th November Uranus, which made its debut into Taurus 15th May, dips back into Aries until 6th March 2019. It then moves back into Taurus for the next seven years. When these outer planets flip into a new sign and then retrograde back into the previous sign for a short period, we obtain a taste of what the future will bring.

There is also a chance to recap and complete what was not finished or adapted to during the previous seven years when Uranus was in Aries. For the next four months you are being reminded to embrace who you are with love for your uniqueness and individuality. Following your own path even if it is deviates from “cultural norms”.

November New Moon

The Scorpio new moon rises on 7th November at 6:02am UTC. The next day Jupiter moves back into its home territory of Sagittarius for the first time since late 2006. It stays there until 2nd December 2019.

This new moon is helping us arrive at more emotional freedom. With that freedom comes the ability to stand and access wisdom more reliably. Offering us a doorway into emotional intelligence and whatever transformative experience we can provide through forgiveness and forgiveness through empathy.

Jupiter moving into Sagittarius can lighten the load if you have felt burdened with responsibilities or obligations, clearing out the last remnants of deep beliefs.

Want to change your life? Learn how to do so by joining me at Aspects of Healing 2018 at the Mind Body Spirit Festival at the NEC in Birmingham, England at 3 p.m. on Saturday 3rd November - .

Venus will meet Uranus a final time on 30th November – one month from now. Use this period to welcome your turning point by addressing any internal conflicts or emotional triggers. They are asking for your full attention!

To You Taking Those Small Steps

Blessings to all


Author of the £1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life, Shamanic coach, Speaker.

Follow me on: .

P.S. If you like what you read, share it with someone it may help, comment on it, and let me know what you think.

Author's Bio: 

Gregory Reece-Smith MBA is the #1 best-selling author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony ( ). He helps executives, business owners and their families overcome the mental fog created by burn out, stress and decision making fatigue. Often experienced as physical pain and discomfort.

Providing spiritual solutions to business and personal challenges using ancient and modern tools of timeless wisdom.

To believe in themselves, their dream of what they know they can achieve. Moving beyond what others have said was out of reach.

Rather to create and live the destiny of freedom and flexible success they desire. He does this by helping to shift the beliefs that limit our lives and thus the world around us.

It is coaching others to create a life beyond what they had previously thought possible that brings Gregory joy. The clarity of which only became apparent when he read Ted McGrath´s foreword to The Seven Secrets - “Gregory Reece-Smith is a great transformational leader serving the planet. His insights are simple, yet powerful….he also has the compassion and heart of a true leader.

As you go on this journey with Gregory, you will discover new insights and awakenings about yourself, and you will come full circle to unleash your purpose here on earth…”
For the outsider often sees what we cannot from the inside.
It is coaching others to create a life beyond what they had previously thought possible that brings Gregory joy.

He has helped transform the lives of thousands of individuals as well as organisations, from fledglings to the international operations of IKEA. His blog can be found at: .