The phrase 'inner psychic' refers to the untapped psychic potential in each of us, and also gives a nod to the concept of 'inner child'. How to unleash our inner psychic?

Training, learning , understanding, accumulating knowledge and skills gets you only so far. From time to time (or maybe all the time) it is preferable to discard everything and go back to the basics - know nothing. This blank state of wonder is where you get in touch with your inner psychic.

However, simply getting in touch is not enough - this connection has to be nurtured too. The inner psychic has to become an outer psychic as well; the wondering inner child and the learned responsible adult have to merge and integrate into a single person.

Unfortunately, in most cases it's easier said than done. A person can find it very hard to move from the state of mind of normality to the healthier state of mind that has been forgotten long before. Where to start if this is the case?

Relax, take a walk in nature, take a vacation. Surely you have important things in your life, but insignificant things often masquerade as important ones. Set some new goals, try some new activities - no matter how strange or childish they seem. Is there something you always wanted to do but never got around to doing it? Now is the time!

When you reconnect with yourself, it is easy to accept your inner psychic and let it grow! You are not a category or 'mental box' - you are your psychic self.

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