Most of us have had times in our lives when we have listened to that ‘little voice’ inside, or that ‘feeling’ about a person, place, or thing. That ‘voice’ or ‘feeling’ has come to awareness from the unified field itself – there is no true separation. That is one of our mythical beliefs, the belief that we are all separate from one another. What you ‘feel’ when you have a ‘sense’ of something from another person, place, or event, is your own connection with the unified field, and you are receiving information at every level of you cellular structure.

The question comes up at times in a coaching situation, or from a friend, or in seminars, that has to do with why they seem to be drawing negative behaviors or responses from others. They often feel that they have nothing to generate these negative or hurtful responses.

It is useful to know that what is in others, is quite often in us as well. That does not mean that we are responsible for what is in the other person or how they are behaving, it means that we are responsible for those thoughts or behaviors in us that contributes to the existence of those behaviors in our world. There are many ways to address this issue of clearing our own programs of inappropriate or self-defeating behaviors, from Ho'oponopono and the One Command.

This simple processes, along with my studies in the research of quantum physics, has not only changed my life, but I have been able to watch other peoples lives change in amazingly wonderful ways as well. What is critical for each individual is to find your personal best approach, your personal best practitioners, your individual best Way. You always have within you, as a part of you, your own best way to clear your life and create your new way of being in the world.

Those inner messages that come to you are coming from your relationship with all that is, within your greater capacity. Quantum physics demonstrates that there is no separation and that in fact, separation is entirely impossible. Even from a genetic perspective, we are inseparable. I recently read research that states that everyone on the planet comes from a very small gene pool after a die off thousands of years ago.

Spiritually we have known this forever, and that is what makes quantum physics so exciting to me personally. As a child I always wondered why science and spirituality had to be at odds, couldn’t the apparent differences simply mean that people were using different languages to describe the same phenomenon? Just as my studies in anthropology and the diversity of religions demonstrated that at the core of every religion on earth, was one Being. This phenomenon was described in multiple ways, and in many forms, but when the spoken languages were understood, the outcomes were the same, one Divine Presence, one Greater Idea, one Source.

We are so accustomed to viewing our world in terms of differences and separation that we have often ignored the actual conditions of our lives, those times when we ‘sense’ someone will call, and they do, those times when we ‘sense’ danger, and it is there in one form or another, those times when we ‘sense’ that something doesn’t feel right in our relationship, and there is actually something wrong (as a former psychologist, I can tell you that people ‘know’ when their partner is cheating), and then there are the times when we know something wonderful is about to happen, and it does.

This is one of those values of knowing a little about quantum physics, that knowledge helps you to give credence to what you have known subconsciously, that you take in much more information than you generally perceive through your ears, and eyes and even your hands, you take in information through every cellular portal at your command. You have intelligence far beyond your brain itself, you have brain cells in every single part of your body. You are not just the world, you are the universe and beyond, and your only real job is to embrace that truth with joy.

Blessings, Katie

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Garnett is a counseling psychologist and published author. Her work as an educational and counseling psychologist, Transformational Coach, and international corporate consultant, includes significant work in Europe, Asia and the United States, including the Pacific Rim. Working with Fortune 500 companies, universities, entrepreneurs, and individual clients, Dr. Katie focuses both on business and career growth and on the personal success of her clients.

Dr. Garnett’s study of the phenomenon of quantum physics, paired with her research in the psychology of human behavior, social change and the significance of The One Command in relation to human potentiality, brings her clients the capacity to re-program their lives as they choose.