We all have to admit that in one way or another; all our search engine optimization efforts are geared toward pleasing the big G. Yes, I’m referring to Google. I want to land on the top pages of their search engine results and I’m sure you are also aiming at the same target.

To have high Google rankings would mean better traffic and eventually a shoot up in terms of sales. There may be plenty of SEO guides and blogs on the net that tackle top of the line strategies to achieve high Google rankings, but I’m sure that there are still many website owners out there who are scrambling their way to get high Google rankings.

This is not as easy as it may seem, we all know that. But this does not mean that it’s unattainable. There are ways that we can employ in order to improve search engine rankings. One thing that is most important is the originality of the contents that you post on your site.

Duplicated contents are a big No-No. If you are guilty of this, perhaps this is one reason why you can’t get high Google rankings. The big G is very particular about having unique and original contents. It may be convenient to post other people’s articles or write ups, but it is always best that you come up with something of your own.

I’m not saying that you don’t feature other people’s articles in your site. This is acceptable just don’t overdo it. Another way to impress giant SEs is through links. Link building is a very vital part of site optimization. If you don’t have a sufficient number of links pointing back at your site, then it’s impossible to get high Google rankings.

Giant search engines give credit to sites with many back links. If there are many websites pointing back at you, your site is perceived to be credible and good. Websites with hundreds and even thousands of links have the highest possibility of being indexed faster and land on top of the results pages.

For this reason, internet marketers allocate a good amount of their budget to pay dedicated individuals to do link building for them. If your site has a few link partners, perhaps it’s the perfect time to brush up in this aspect. For all you know, this is the main reason why you can’t pull high Google rankings for your website.

Organic SEO is best although it is not something that brings in results overnight. If you are putting in great effort but still getting bad results, check on how you do optimization. You might have fell short on some of the points I raised.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Menno Spijkstra, is an underground Internet Marketer who has been successful in selling products online for many years. Let Menno Walk You Through Setting Up Your Own Google Adwords Account and Campaigns.