Did you recently begin to learn how to play guitar? If that's the case, you probably experienced going through a roller-coaster of good days and bad days. One day you hit all the right notes and play the right tunes, and nothing seems easier. Then, the next day you can hardly make a decent sound to come out. What happened? Did you know that many newbies face this nasty problem?
I definitely had struggles when learning my guitar. In the beginning it was really difficult, but in about one week of practicing guitar each day for fifteen minutes I began to sound pretty good. After that my second week came along I for the life of me could not play a proper note. Why? What went wrong? Why was it that last week I was able to play the same notes easily and now it sounded as if my guitar was being played by a two year old?As it turn out, it wasn’t my fault. Well ninety nine percent at least. I learned a significant lesson that next week of learning guitar. What was it? Actually there were three:
Lesson 1
Give time for muscle memory to develop.
When you are just starting out to learn guitar your fingers are not used to being bent the way you bent them while learning guitar. So don’t be surprised if by next week it feels as if you can not get your fingers to do anything right. Mine were shaking and refused to stay on the strings the way I needed them. The best thing to do when this happens is to take a break for a few minutes then start for a second time.
Lesson 2
Trim your nails.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes your fingers are in proper positions and you have no problem pressing the strings but the sound comes out a bit muffled? Most of the time this happens because your nails are too long to let strings be pressed hard enough. If you noticed that the sound is a tad mute check your nails right away. You will be surprised how good you become as soon as you trim you nails.
Lesson 3
Make sure your guitar is properly tuned.
If you're doing everything correct but it still sounds terrible,, odds are it’s out of tune. So many beginners get discouraged and give up, because they believe they can't play. But in reality, their guitar was simply out of tune that whole time.
That’s it. Seems simple, doesn't it? So, next time when you are starting to sound terrible make sure to check three things. Are your fingernails short enough? Is your guitar tuned right? Are you trying to learn new chords that you didn’t build up muscle memory for?
Once you learn how to play guitar you will be surprised at how much your life will change. You will never be bored. Your cool status will go way up. And it is a nice escape from an everyday stresses of life. So keep on playing.

Author's Bio: 

There is an easy way to learn How To Play Guitar . I get all of my lessons from Guitarzonline. They have a lot of helpful information like How To Hold Your Guitar , How Long Does It Take To Learn Guitar and even offer free lessons for beginners. If you're interested in learning guitar you should check their site out. You will be glad you did.