To help us come to a better understanding and practical realization of unconditional love in our everyday life, let’s reflect on both words unconditional and love. Most of us believe we understand or at least acknowledge what we think love is. Yet when we add the unconditional aspect to love, it takes on a new connotation and dimension. This combination of words forces us to dig deeper and search out the true meaning for ourselves in each moment. Nothing in life is black and white anymore when unconditional love is applied. Instead, we rise above duality and appreciate the supreme wisdom and opportunity held in the experience. We see and understand how unconditional love is behind and within all we experience.
To begin: love is energy. When we say love, we are using more than a descriptive word to characterize our experience of life. It is a power that permeates the universe. At times, we glimpse its immense nature through an intuitive moment. Love is a process and way of living life. It is an expansion of certain qualities we feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Our experience of life expands and evolves when we engage love.
Love is an expression of kindness, compassion, and understanding. It is a sense of personal peace and joy. When tapping into love we feel comfort and support for ourselves and our world. When we invoke love, we forgive and release the appearances of our experiences. Love trusts, is patient and does not judge or hate. When we allow love to flow, we do not fear or doubt. Similarly, we do not blame, use aggression, manipulate or control. Criticism and condemnation dissolve by this amazing power. Love is freedom from the limiting beliefs that encourage our inner hatred, prejudice, frustration, anger, and separation.
Love releases the need to be in control and always right. Lack, limitation, guilt and worry go free into higher expressions of dreams and possibilities through love. The stillness of love washes over our concerns and sweeps them away, providing new opportunities to experience life in joyous ways. Love is a thought and feeling we hold within, a perception, an understanding and a knowing.
Love is an attitude we have about life. When love is expressed, we are allowing the highest level of our awareness to permeate the moment. We are literally vibrating to a higher frequency of energy and allowing this energy to move forth into our world, where it changes and lifts everything it contacts. It is an ever expanding and evolving journey. Love is truly a way of being.
Now, let us turn to our other word, unconditional. Unconditional is to be without condition or limit. This means no strings attached, no stipulations, and no expectations. To be unconditional is to be unlimited.
Putting the words together with this expanded understanding, it can be simply stated; unconditional love is an unlimited way of being. We are whole and complete in every moment and all we need do is realize and reveal this truth. We are loved and lovable and can share and radiate this love by our own command. We have a choice and can choose to love unconditionally. We are unlimited as to our potential to love in each and every moment.
Although we do not usually comprehend it, we are without limit to our thoughts and feelings in life and can create any reality we choose to focus our attention upon. So it is up to us to allow this love to permeate our existence. There are infinite imaginative possibilities when we are free to go beyond our perceived limits. If we can dream it, we can build it, and if we use love, all life will benefit.
When we approach each moment with love of a higher nature, we experience the freedom of life itself. We are free to share life’s gift of love to everything and everyone around us and we are no longer bound by our own limited thoughts and perceptions. The more we place our attention on unconditional love, the more we become this energy in action.
Harold W. Becker is Founder and President of the internationally recognized nonprofit, The Love Foundation, is the author of various books including, Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being and Internal Power, Seven Doorways to Self Discovery along with hosting his own PBS special on unconditional love. Contact him