Imagine how easy getting new clients could be, knowing exactly what must be done & said…

Before I get into this power process remember that the authors here invest hours into producing these articles. SOOO if at the end of this article you find yourself saying,

"hey, that Jason guy is swell. And I really got some value out of this article..."

... Then - RATE IT - COMMENT ON IT - AND SHARE IT. When you do, the social media fairy puts a gold star in your file...

You have probably experienced a "lay down" in sales before right? You know what I'm talking about, that prospect who practically sells themselves into your service. You could have just said, "sign here", "cash or check", "do you prefer cats or dogs?" And they would have bought from you immediately.

When you begin to approach your business, marketing and sales process from your left brain, the engineers mind, you will begin to create a clear and effective sales process. And it is the knowing of, and following of that process that will create "lay-down" after "lay-down". Yes, sales are supposed to be effective, they are supposed to work in a predictive way.

Here's why, it's not called a Sales PROCESS for nothing. A process is something that works in a predictable way to create a desired outcome. In this case we want to create a sale of our product or service.

As you read this article you might begin to realize you've been wingin' it. You might see that the process you have been following all these years is not really that clear (or effective). As you think about your lack in sales process, you might start to feel the pain from all those sales you may have lost out on.

You might have avoided mapping outyour sales process for any number of reasons. "I'm just too busy", "I don't know what or how to do it", OR (My Fav) "I don't want to manipulate people..." If you are sticking with the latter, then know this. You are always manipulating behavior in others. If we were having lunch and I said to you, "don't look now but someone famous just sat down behind you..." What's the first thing you would do? Right, and if you didn't look you would start thinking about who it might be and stop eating your meal.

The fact is that in our communication with others we are always, whether consciously or unconsciously, impacting people’s behavior . The difference between manipulation and influence comes down to the intention. If you are intending to help people make a decision rooted in their own “greater good”, then I would say you are in the right place.

Now if you feel that there is no way possible for your business, product, or service to be in someone's greater good... Then I suggest you make a drastic change, now!

As you strongly consider the value of mapping out your sales process, know that if you want to have the house in the hills and the Prius with chromed spinnin' 24's then you must be willing to try something new and breakthrough those limitations. You must:

1. Create the time to work on your business (Yes, that involves giving yourself permission)
2. Find a process (see below ;)
3. Stick to that process (And know that nothing is permanent)

In order to create a sales process, you must follow a process. Otherwise you could get lost before you finish or create something that does not get you those new clients and revenue you need.

Map Your Sales Process...Process!

Your way of marketing and sales must match the way your customers or prospects make purchasing decisions. In order to effectively do this you must have clearly defined your clients’ psychographics which you do by reading this article;Identifying your Most Ideal Client Profile.

Marketing thinker Neil Rackham, author and creator of SPIN® Selling, discovered that all major purchasing decisions go through four distinct steps.

1. Recognition of needs. When the potential customer realizes there is a problem and acknowledges that outside help will be required to solve it, the process of looking for a solution begins with research and gathering of information related to it.
2. Evaluation of options. The potential customer, having researched alternative providers, develops decision criteria for narrowing the list.3. Resolution of concerns. The potential customer reconciles the risks and barriers to purchasing, and negotiation of final terms gets started.
4. Implementation. The decision to buy is made and the new customer focuses on how the solution will be implemented.

Here is the process:
• Outline your current sales process, from back to front.
• What is the last action your prospective client takes?
• What comes before that?
• And before that? etc... (until you reach the beginning)

Once you have the whole process outlined step by step, ask and answer these questions for each step:
• What are the key buyer concerns at this point?
• What are the specific questions they ask?
• What are the answers for each of their questions?
• What are the marketing & selling tools needed at this stage?

Let's make this a mega-valuable exercise by integrating these learnings into your current process.

1. What lessons did you learn from this process overall? and how will you integrate them at a deeper level?
2. What parts of your sales process are nebulous or ineffective? and what are you going to do to make your sales process more effective?3. How much time will you allocate to complete the above changes?
4. When will each change be implemented? and by whom?

Know that each touch or contact should add value in its ongoing relevance to the targeted individual.

STOP! Did you get some value out of this article? ...

Then - RATE IT - COMMENT ON IT - AND SHARE IT.When you do, God saves a kitten... Do IT!

Author's Bio: 

Jason Brett is a master strategist specializing in strategic customized personal strategies that are strategically perfect for getting more clients & more revenue, strategically! Seriously though, I'm a smart guy and I'm really great at finding hidden money in your business. This article was useful: