In the first article of the "I DON'T HAVE THE........." series we are going to examine the excuse of not having enough time to exercise and see if we cant find a few ways around it.

In a rapidly evolving and increasingly fluid world, time is becoming our biggest and possibly most elusive asset. How many times have you heard someone say that they just don’t have enough time in the day. We all have seemingly endless to-do lists that never get completed. The essential things that revolve around work and looking after other people seem to take over and leave little opportunity for leisure activities. Making time related excuses for not doing the things we enjoy have almost become part of our regular vocabulary

“I would but I just have too many other commitments”
“I’m going to start next year when things have quietened down a bit”“It’s all so hectic at the moment, I just can’t afford the time”
“What with work and the kids, there just aren’t enough hours in the day”

So we have established this is a chronic problem that comes between a lot of people and a healthy exercise regime. If it’s not an issue for you then I’m sure it is for someone close to you. It can ultimately mean the difference between a fit, lean, healthy body and love handles, a wobbly bum and being out of breath at the top of the stairs.

We are going to give you some hints and tips that will help you find time in your busy schedule for regular exercise and ultimately lead to a fitter, healthier, happier you.



Put you and your health first – if you were asked to list the 5 things you are most thankful for in your life I am willing to bet that your health and well-being would be right up there near the top. To maintain your health and well-being it is essential to exercise regularly. Look at the amount of time you devote to your job, other people and watching T.V. Now measure that against the time you spend exercising and actively looking after your body. Many parents devote so much of their time and energy looking after their kids that they neglect their own health. If you are not healthy enough yourself to take care of your children then who will?Take the first step now and MAKE time for exercise by sacrificing a small part of something else in your life.

2)Manage your time

Half the battle in making time for things is getting your life organised properly. Try sitting down a Sunday night and planning out your week. Write out your working hours plus any other commitments and then schedule time for exercise just like you might for a meeting or social event. It will help you commit that part of your day to working out or playing sport instead of doing it as an after thought or treating it as one of those ”I’ll get around to it if I have time” things. Everyone has 24 hours in their day, don't limit yourself by hiding behind excuses. Find time for accidental exercise like riding a bike to work or standing at your desk for half the day.

3) Make it fun

Exercising doesn’t have to be a slog. Try a few different forms of exercise, see which one you take the most enjoyment from and go for it! Getting bored? Then switch it up, go do something else for a week or two. Try swimming, jogging on the beach, surfing, weight training or aerobics – whatever suits you and you have fun doing!

4)Join a sports team or group fitness session

Joining a sports team means that you are being held accountable. You have an incentive to turn up to practice and a commitment to your team mates. Also the set practice and game times mean they become a regular date in your diary.

5)Use a Personal Trainer

The benefits of using a personal trainer are numerous! They provide expert exercise knowledge, nutrition advice and focused guidance as a matter of course as well as keeping you accountable. If you make an investment and commit to using a personal trainer you will definitely make time for it and your results will reflect that.

Apply some or all of these tips to your life and you will find time for exercise which will in turn help you get all the other things in your life done quicker, better and more efficiently thus leaving even more time for what you love doing the most.

Author's Bio: 

Author Bio

Nick Randall is a Personal Trainer with PLAY - Fun, Fitness and Performance based on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. I am very passionate about healthy eating, exercise and overall well being and my life revolves around keeping the health of myself and others in the best condition possible. I love writing about these subjects and as a result my work comes straight from the heart and is normally just general thoughts and musings put down onto paper.

Other interests include golf, surfing, reading, chess and watching practiacally all forms of sport on TV!

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