Husband Won't Fight For Me: Why Won't My Husband Fight For Our Marriage

Before marriage , your relationship was sizzling hot and the romance was on fire. But, now with your job, possibly children and just the regular tasks and duties of daily life, that fire has dwindle down to just warm coals. This lack romantic time together can have detrimental effects on your relationship. To help rekindle that fire, here a few tips to help save your marriage .

Leave "love notes" for your spouse in their car, briefcase, refrigerator or anywhere around the house where you know he or she is sure to not miss it. Try leaving a sweet and romantic message on his or her voice mail.

Listen to the things you spouse says he or she likes and then surprise him or her with a special gift. It could be a special book or bubble bath your wife says she would like to get sometime. Or, it could be a CD or DVD your husband has mentioned wanting to buy.

Find out how to get your spouse to go crazy head over heels for you and desire you in a way you have never experienced! You will be amazed at how good it feels to have your spouse's attention and affection again - Learn more here

If your loved one has a chore he or she really dislikes doing, occasionally do the task for him or her. If your husband normally takes out the garbage, get the bags out for him. If your wife does the laundry, throw a load in the washer and dry for her.

Most people love to be pampered in some way and who does not like receiving a massage ? Pamper your spouse by giving a foot, back or full body massage . You could alternate nights so both of you could fully the enjoy the relaxing benefits on your night.

Go out on a date... with your spouse of course! It does not need to be an extravagant outing, unless you both want it to be. You could have a simple picnic or go on a walk. Go some of the places you went to on dates before you got married.

Try some of these ways to rekindle the fire and get creative and come up with your own. However, if your marriage needs more help than these tips can give, please realize that there are other ways you can save your marriage.

Thinking about regaining the status of "Happily Married"? It is possible, and is not difficult if you think it is not. But exactly how you do so? If you would like the source most couples used to revive their relationship, strengthened their marriage, regain trust and love in the marriage and not giving up then visit this Helpful Site .

To learn how to save your marriage even if alone at first, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you could be doing. If they saved their marriages then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done...

The one mistake that people tend to make is to believe that marriage will fix their personal problems. Unfortunately, marriage tends to actually intensify the feelings that are attached to your whole personality, not fix or even diminish them.

Basically, this means that two people coming into a marriage together will not eliminate some of their issues, but multiply them or add them up just like 1+1=2.

For example, if one of the spouses tends to be messy and the other tends to be unorganized. The results of the two will be unorganized mess. Downfalls and issues will be doubled. This in turn will start creating conflicts in a marriage as issues will surface more and more often as time goes on.

The good news is that you can save your marriage with the right strategies. The sooner you realize that you marriage is going on a wrong path, the better. If neither of the two spouses were willing to solve the problems the marriage situation will go from bad to worse and the marriage will end in divorce .

The challenges that may surface, however, is knowing what is the REAL problem or problems are. What needs to be attended first and what minor issues could be adjusted later.

Discover one of the most destructive things you're probably doing to your marriage right now that is destroying your chances of saving it. Learn the key tips to make your spouse turn towards you instead of turning away - Learn more here

If you wish to save your marriage by applying the right strategies you might need to look for an expert who will be able to help you discern the real issues that are sabotaging your marriage. It is very important for you to understand that those issues are NEVER outside of you, but ALWAYS inside of you. There are issues that you and your spouse have been carrying around all your life, but as a single person they never were really apparent, or at least they never bothered anyone who didn't have to live under the same roof as you such as your spouse.

In marriage you are living in very close contact with the other person, therefore those issues will be in someone else's face every single day and theirs in your. This is the roots of most marital problems. You need to address those issues and you will be addressing the marital problems that sprung from them. You just need to apply the right strategies to save your marriage. Those strategies have been applied by many couples on the verge of divorce . In many cases it started even when only one spouse was willing to do the work. So, don't worry if you already know that your spouse won't be willing to participate.

In the end your spouse will realize that something is different. The only question is, are your willing to help yourself to save your marriage by applying the right strategies?

Are you tired of living in a relationship in which you feel neglected ? Many married people find themselves feeling alone and rejected by their spouse. If you feel taken for granted, there's a way to change that now.

To learn more about how to transform your marriage so your spouse loves and adores you more than they ever has before, visit this helpful site .

What men want is a model for a wife. However, I can guarantee you that it's not for the reasons you would expect. "You're just a man, Jack. What would you know? You're probably as testosterone-fueled as the rest of them!" Now, now, hear me out. I've thought about this and I've come up with three good reasons that a model would make a good wife (or a good partner, anyway). The good thing is, you don't have to have smashing good looks to pull off these three good reasons. You can do it with whatever looks you've been born with. Here we go...

1. Competition

Men who have a model for a wife have to try harder to stand out. The worst thing about being married to a model is that you can't help but be compared to her. If you're average, you won't last.

If he's serious about being in the relationship, he will have to put in the effort to look good. You want your man to do that. As soon as both of you stop caring, then you both start going downhill.

Do you ever feel like the only way to resolve a conflict is by slamming the door and walking away? Or by punishing your partner? It doesn't have to be this way. Find out incredibly powerful strategies for resolving your marriage conflicts in a more constructive and less emotionally stressful way - Find out here

2. Outgoing

Models have to have a great presence when they're out and about. Look at all the most "visible" and highly paid models: Megan Gale, Miranda Kerr... these women have great presence.

It's no good having a man who isn't as equally outgoing. Having both the man and the woman being outgoing works out well. It gives both of them more of a chance to present themselves as a couple in public.

3. Independent

Models are high maintenance. That's a fact. If they have someone who's constantly tailing them and trying to make sure that they look perfect, that person would have to be extremely loyal or paid well.

By being independent, models don't have to hold anyone back and can make sure that they look how they want any time of the day. Independence itself is one of those "sexy" traits too (which is great for keeping a relationship strong).

What men want is a model for a wife. Yes for the good looks, but oh so much more. It keeps men trying hard to better themselves and be more open and outgoing, and also helps both men and women be more independent as well, meaning that they respect themselves, allowing them to respect and love each other more. Bet you didn't expect that sort of reasoning.

Couples can love one another and yet find themselves drifting apart and headed for a divorce. There are steps you can take, with or without the aid of your spouse to get your marriage back into the loving place it once was.

Click here to save your marriage and rebuild it into a more connected, satisfying relationship.

In working with thousands of couples over the years, I have found certain themes to emerge again and again. Three of the most frequent themes are really myths about the nature of loving. As myths, they can be very destructive to intimacy . They lead to a misguided effort to create the illusion of love while ignoring the experience of love.

The first of these myths is that loving is giving. This is really just one step up from "love means never having to say you're sorry." The truth is that loving is a feeling and nothing more. When we turn it into a transaction, we set the stage for us to lose contact with how we feel. Think of it this way. If loving is giving, then if we give more do we necessarily love more? Of course not. How many people reading this article are resentful because their sacrifices have not been appreciated? In reality, mature loving involves more receiving than giving. To love in a mature way we must learn to be attentive and to listen. We receive information from what the other person is telling us about themselves, their experience, and their feelings. Based on that information, we create a feeling within ourselves that is love. This is an especially alien concept to adult children from dysfunctional families because experience was such a devalued commodity within their original families . Many people, especially adult children from dysfunctional families , are taught that somehow they're supposed to earn love from their parents. Now that they're adults, it's an easy extension to earn love from their partner by giving the "gift" of love. Which brings us to our second myth.

If you’re on the verge of divorce… Or if your spouse is cheating on you… Or if your marriage JUST PLAIN ISN’T WORKING… I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out - Click Here

It seems a correct and common sense view that we give love. If so, how does that happen? Do we really give away a feeling? This common sense view does not hold up well to close scrutiny. It's a particularly dangerous myth because it's easy to use as a manipulation. For example: "Since I feel unimportant, then he's obviously not giving me enough love." With this distortion, people with low self-esteem can project their dissatisfaction with themselves onto their partner. From the opposite side, the partner may conclude "Because she seems so unhappy, I'm obviously not giving her enough love." (No bias intended with the gender here. Turn it around if you like.) This commodity view of love depersonalizes it and removes it from the realm of experience. In reality, what we give to others is information about how we feel when we love. That information may be received or ignored, interpreted correctly or distorted, believed or discounted, appreciated or devalued. There's no certainty as to how one partner will feel in response to the information that the other partner feels love. Very possibly, a partner may create their own feelings of being valuable but it's not a certainty. It's more accurate to say that love is something that we keep. We keep our feelings within us. They don't jump outside of our skin. We may give off information but the feelings stay.

A third myth is that we "should" love our partner all the time. This myth ignores the fact that feelings are transitory. It's also an especially dangerous myth because it sets the stage for turning the feeling of love into a responsibility and that doesn't work. Many couples have sexual dysfunction around just this issue. If a partner buys the notion that he/she "should" always be interested in sex, then interest will usually atrophy. If you buy the obligation for feeling love, then that also will usually atrophy as a hollow-feeling role takes its place. The reality is that some moments you feel love for your partner, other moments you don't. There may also be fairly long spans of time when a partner is incapable of love because of stress. That's natural, it's real, and it can also be temporary especially if both partners understand the episodic nature of love.

There are other myths about the nature of love but they will be saved for another discussion. What's most important is that we understand that love is a feeling. As a feeling, it's something we experience within ourselves in an episodic manner. When we depersonalize it into a commodity or a role, we set the stage for losing its power in our lives.

Now Listen Carefully-

Take 2 minutes to visit the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. Yes, you can indeed save your marriage no matter how hopeless the situation seems. Take the right step now and live to enjoy a blissful marriage. I strongly urge you to visit the next page- Click Here


How To Get Respect From Wife

How To Treat A Cheating Husband

When You and Your Husband Are Not On Same Page

How To Fix My Marriage With My Husband

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50% of people divorce. Do not be another statistic. You Can Save Your Marriage These powerful techniques will allow you to trust again and ignite the fire and passion back into your relationship. Save Your marriage today! Click Here

Divorce does not have to be your only option. Even if it feels as though your relationship can't be saved because of the ongoing conflicts between you and your spouse, it can be. There are techniques that you can begin using today that will not only stop a divorce , but will help also you build a stronger and more loving marriage.

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