Whether it’s a tea to relax you after a hectic day, a capsule to help support your immune system or a salve to sooth the bumps and bruises of life, herbs can be an effective, inexpensive and enriching alternative to conventional medicine.

Fomentations or Cold Compresses—A simple way to apply herbs is to soak a washcloth in an infusion, squeeze, and apply directly to the skin. A warm application is a fomentation; a cold one is a compress.

Herbal Baths —Add herbal decoctions or infusions to your tub bath, sitz bath, or footbath. (Note that even some normally safe herbs are unsafe for use during pregnancy .)

Herbal Capsules and Pills —Powdered herbs can be encapsulated in gelatin caps, for easy-to-take remedies. You can make your own with powdered herbs and essential oils.

Herbal Oils—Infused herbal oils are easy to make and inexpensive – infusing dried (or fresh) herbs in high-quality vegetable, seed, or nut oils . They are wonderful for massage oils and insect repellents, and they form the basis of herbal salves and ointments.

Herbal Teas —There are several types of "teas," or herbal beverages. An infusion is made by steeping hot stems, leaves, and flowers of herbs to extract their benefits. Hard materials, like roots, woods, barks and seeds, need to be boiled, then steeped, for best results; this drink is called a decoction. And a cold extract, which is recommended for the most delicate plants, is made by soaking the herbs in cold water. Ratios and steeping times depend on the plant and the strength desired.

Poultices—Herbs are crushed or bruised to release their potency, then applied topically, often over a warm or cool piece of cheesecloth or other light cotton fabric.

Salves, Ointments and Balms—Combinations of herbal oils, beeswax , and herbs provide a soothing way to apply the benefits of natural remedies externally.

Syrups—Using honey, vegetable glycerin, or maple syrup as a base, herbs are cooked into a sweet, thick medicine. Especially effective for coughs and sore throats.

Tinctures—Concentrated extracts of herbs (made by steeping herbs in alcohol, glycerin, or vinegar) are taken directly, or in warm water or juice. While not always great tasting, they are excellent when quick absorption is desired.

Visit Frontier Natural Products Co-Op to find all the herbal ingredients and accessories you need, or click here to learn more about us.

Author's Bio: 

Judith McElhinney is the Web Marketing Manager for Frontier Natural Products Co-op. Frontier specializes in natural and organic products, providing hundreds of bulk herbs, spices, teas, bath and beauty goods -- as well as being leaders in environmental sustainability. Learn more on our website: Frontier
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