You can improve the accuracy of your psychic reading by taking the following steps.

Other than prescription medication avoid all alcohol and drugs on the day of your reading and ideally the night before. The reason for this is simple, the purer your energy is the easier it is for a psychic to tune into your energy. It also has the benefit that pure energy is much more likely to bringing through accurate messages.

Make sure you have allocated enough time for your psychic reading ! This is particularly important with mediumship as mediumship is not always instantaneous and it may take 5 or 10 minutes to connect with the correct person your wish to communicate with.

You may well have quite a few people who wish to communicate with you and they have to be arranged in an order that suits your needs. The last thing you want is to be on the clock when you're right in the middle of an important message. Psychic mediumship readings are best done over 45 minutes to an hour to be most effective.

It is always a good idea to mediate before a reading and focus your intent on what you want from your psychic reading . If you're confused about meditation doesn't worry just spend 10 minutes in bed that morning in a quite room letting your relaxed mind think about what your perfect reading would be like? Once you have sent a clear message out to the universe write it down.

During your psychic reading a good psychic will be able to answer most if not all of your questions without you having to ask them. So make sure you tick them off your list as the reading progresses. If you find you have a few that are important to you and you would like specific answers then make sure you ask these questions before the last 10 minutes of the reading.

Accurate readings are all about clean energy, positive, planned intent and putting your thoughts out to the universe.

Author's Bio: 

Hi I am Gifted George and I am proud to be a member of the American Association of Psychics, America's first invitation only independent psychic directory . If you are looking for an accurate psychic reading then visit my web site now. I have over 20 years experience and I would be delighted to help you.