Psychic over-sensitivity is also known as psychic overload or psychic stimulation. Lightworkers and holistic practitioners are especially susceptible to this because you are more open to spiritual and psychic energies and work with them on a daily basis with your clients. If you don't take care of yourself, you will soon be unable to take care of your clients or loved ones because you won't have the energy to do so.

Some symptoms of psychic over-sensitivity are:

- panic/ anxiety attacks that can be caused either from you absorbing other people's fears, or from old fears you have kept suppressed that are now coming to the surface because you are more attuned to your subconscious

- super-sensitivity to the emotional and psychological states of the people around you; so much so that you are unable to tell the difference between your emotions and those of others

- chaotic thoughts or what I call "white noise" in your brain caused by too many psychic messages coming through at once, or by telepathically picking up on the thoughts of everyone around you

- exhaustion on all levels: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical

Once you feel yourself starting to reach that place of overstimulation, there are things you can do to resolve it and prevent it from going any further. Daily habits of self-care will help prevent over-sensitivity altogether. Here are some tips that have helped me get through periods of psychic overstimulation.

1) Ground excess energy into the earth. You can do this by going outside and sitting against a tree or walking barefoot so that you have some physical contact with the earth. Let Nature absorb and dissipate all of the extra psychic energy moving through your mind and body. If you are in an office and between clients, you can do this same thing by connecting with an indoor plant or using a crystal to put the energy into.

2) Do deep breathing exercises. A lot of people teach you to do deep breathing exercises by breathing from your diaphragm. This is ok, but if you want to go even deeper, try breathing from your navel. As you inhale, your belly should expand instead of your chest. You will be amazed at how much more air you can draw in during one breath. Inhale Light, soothing energy; exhale chaotic, excess energy.

3) Shield yourself. Visualize yourself in a sphere of pure white Light. This shield prevents all extraneous energy from entering your space and causing psychic over-sensitivity. This is a technique you should use any time you are working with clients and need to keep yourself open for messages. The messages will come through, but the client's energy won't.

4) Ask your guides or Higher Power for help. Ask that all of the excess energy be taken from you and that you be filled with calm and peace . If you are receiving a ton of spiritual messages all at once, ask these spirits to please speak to you one at a time.

These are just a few things you can do to cope with episodes of psychic over-sensitivity. The best way to deal with it is to prevent it altogether by shielding and grounding yourself between clients. Once you learn how to protect yourself from being overloaded, you'll find that you have much more energy as well as clarity of mind so that you can function at a higher level.

Author's Bio: 

Shela Skarp is a spiritual life coach and author from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. For over ten years, she has used her intuition and empathy skills to successfully help and advise people just like you in the areas of spirituality and shifting their mindset to create positive changes in their lives. Shela specializes in helping Lightworkers and holistic practitioners operate at their optimum energy level so that they can effectively continue their work. Shela may be located by visiting , where you may sign up for a free Spotlight coaching session today, and place yourself on the distribution list for her newsletter, Soul Light .