How can I possibly learn to do that, the sun salutation (surya namaskar? . Learn by doing and practicing two poses at a time. When you feel it starts to flow for you with those two, add one more and one more.

When you realize how important it is that all twelve poses can have such an impact on all your glands, organs, muscles and bones, you will look forward to doing anything you can or how many postures you can until you increase the full number of poses.

Do not look at it as a daunting project. Look at it as loving yourself through motion and breath.

The first posture is to stand in what's known as the mountain pose, planting the feet solidly on your mat. Tilt the pelvic area forward a little, ever so slightly bend knees. This first pose is called Tadasana. Once you feel yourself centered and composed, bring the hands to chest or heart center in prayer fashion or namaste.

Breathe in a deep breath through the nostrils as you raise the arms overhead, touching palms together. Generally, when you do surya namaskar you stand facing to the East of the morning sun.

Open arms apart with your in-breath, opening to grace and thankfulness and lean backwards by arching the back and pulling head back as well. Next exhale as you bend at the hips and lower your arms to the tops of your feet, or around your ankles, or touching the shins or placing hands beside or on top of the feet. Whatever your level of flexibility is - listen and follow your body.

Keep breathing in and out and bring your head closer and closer with each exhale to your knees. This really stretches and elongates the spine. You can give yourself permission to bend the knees slightly.

The last posture we'll move into today of surya namaskar is placing the left leg back behind you while you bend the right leg at a forty-five degree angle so it looks like L-shape. That way no pressure is put on the knee. The instep of left foot can be touching the floor or foot can be place on the floor at 90 degree angle. Breathing in here is very important. There is no set amount of time in this pose.

Now bring the right leg back to join the left and you will be in the plank asana. Chin is up, hips are lowered, not sagging. Your body looks like a slant board . Hands are flat on the mat outside forward foot with shoulders opened. Arms are directly under the shoulders. If this is your first time - just rest by lying down now or move into the child's pose pictured.

As you get better, watch the animation of for the next postures of surya namaskar.

Author's Bio: 

Daya Devi-Doolin is known as the “Thought Doctor”. She is the Co-Founder with her husband Chris, and Director of The Doolin Healing Sanctuary & Yoga Center, in Central Florida. She is an International and award-winning author of metaphysical/self-help books for adults & children. Speeches, Presentations and Workshops are available through . At her first workshop more than 25 years ago, someone in attendance called her "the thought doctor.” The title stuck! "The thought doctor” knows what makes life work.

From her inner guidance, she discovered seven pervasive characteristics present in all successful careers. Her inspirational speeches shares her secrets for successful life through an empowering thought system, real life stories, garnered from hundreds of interviews with happy, successful people over the past 25 years, as well as from her own successful life.

Her Best-Selling books are: Super Vita-Minds: How To Stop Saying I Hate You...To Yourself and The Only Way Out Is In: The Secrets of the 14 Realms to Love, Happiness and Success, sold on;; and . You can listen to her host and interview guests on which theme is based on her book The Only Way Out Is In.

She and her husband form the musical award-winning duo of aka Level Seven. Their music can be downloaded - MP3 files or purchased through;; and .