Environment affects our heart desires

The importance of an environment. We live life seeking more and more things which we believe will gratify or gives us pleasure. Everyone wants more to life even those who have more still want more. Why? It is because its human nature to continually want more from life for the development of the world and our life in general.What’s crucial is that even if it is natural instinct to want more out of life so as our life becomes better. There has to be somethings or people to affect and influence our desire in form of a thought, because what we want start as a thought which then transforms into equivalent counterpart of that thought. And, that brings up the concept of environment.

What is environment?

Most people are confused with what is an environment truly is, I will do my best to explain to you what exactly an environment is and how does it affects our success, wealth or heart desires in general. If you can ask a random person what an environment is, he or she would tell you that an environment is an area where people and animals live, while that can be regarded as true, it is half true.
An environment is anything, anyone and everything which surrounds you in your daily life not only when you are awake but also when you are asleep. Your environment is what you are engaged on daily, it is what you see daily, hear daily, touch daily, smell, feel, your friends, family and associates!
Let me explain this by practical means.

If you wake up and play music, read a book about any subject you are interested on, see whatever is in your surrounding at that very moment, talk to whoever person you may come in contact to, and have whatever conversation you may be having with that person, that would be your environment!
What you spend most of your time, money, energy, thoughts on; it’s your environment. This truth has been ignored for ages and it is one of the common causes of all the destructive things which are daily happening in life because people fail to take careful analysis of the little things which surround them.
In short, your environment is what your mind is fed upon daily, consciously and unconsciously. It is anything which affects and influence the way you think. It is your state of mind! That is your environment.

How does my environment affect my heart desires?

An environment affects your heart desires in two ways, constructively or destructively. But I am more interested in the constructive one. Moreover, to make full use of the constructive way, you need to feed your mind with constructive materials. If you desire wealth, why not surround yourself with wealth? And, if you desire a good life why not bring yourself up to the good life?
It is simply, just create your surroundings to be what you desire. If you desire wealth, create a mental picture of yourself wealthy, start listening audio programs on how to create wealth, watch videos of wealthy people, read books about the lives of wealthy people, and by doing things you will start to affect and influence your mind with wealth and that would create a new environment for you.
Relate it to our heart desires.
So when it comes to what we desire the most with our hearts, it is very important to program our minds consciously so as we may act and react in a manner we want not a manner that we were previously and unconsciously programed by those people and things in our surrounding.

Let me show you an easy way to do this:
I am sure all of you know what is called physical senses, which is what makes us relate to the outward world. And that is what we hear, see, smell, taste and feel. These physical senses are what made our minds to be programed or conditioned in every moment of our lives.
So to condition your mind for success or your heart desires, you need to take full and I mean full and complete control of these senses. How? Allow me to illustrate below.

Take control of:

What you see.
Make sure that you fill your space with what you want such as pictures of you dream home, husband or wife, body etc.
What you hear.
At every moment of your life, let it be your responsibility to listen to music which build up your character and music which is meaning not just any other music which suggest destructive acts in your mind. Listen to good audio programs when you drive or do any work. Unconsciously you will be programing you mind for better.
What you taste.
Make it your habit to spoil yourself with the kind of food you want to eat even when you are not financial well. This will give you a state of expanding your means which is what you want as your environment.
What you feel.
Make it your habit to feel yourself in exact manner you would want to feel when you have achieved your dreams . Put yourself in that state, see and feel yourself rich and successful, if that is what you want. Because thought and feeling is your destiny!
What you smell.
Go to shopping malls where you will get a smell of what you want, if you want a car get a smell of it and make sure you get a smell of a brand new car. If you want wealth, get the perfumes or colognes whatever, of those who are wealthy so as you give yourself that smell of them. This would raise your self-esteem and cause you to think high of yourself.

Let sum up.

By taking control of your physical world you would surely create a new environment which will influence and affect your state of thinking. At first, you would think you are crazy, saying to yourself what the flip am I doing. But as time goes on, you will realize that your world is changing and forever brings what you want.Remember those who are considered crazy and stupid are the ones who bring change in the world. Therefore don’t mind critics, take them as something that is there to move you forward.

Author's Bio: 

Simphiwe A. Mokwena is a spirited young man who has profound insight about how individual turn to attain success in life as he has studied and still studies the minds of successful people while he is accumulating large amount of success as well for the benefit of all involved.
He is so passionate about helping people to discover the mechanism behind success because he believes that if you want to want pizza you must know the receipt first.Visit: http://success-blueprint.co.za to find out more about him.