It doesn't matter if you're a kid or an adult, no one likes getting cavities, and these days, most of us are under stay-at-home orders in the state we live. Our dentists are not seeing patients for check-ups and any other non-essential dental care until those executive orders are lifted. That means that if you are not experiencing pain, bleeding, or swelling, your treatment will be rescheduled for another time. If your child has a cavity, you can still step up their oral hygiene routine at home to keep the cavity from getting any bigger and to prevent new cavities from developing.

Hole In A Tooth

That's exactly what a cavity is, a hole in a tooth, and it forms when tooth decay begins. We all have bacteria in our mouths, but when we are eating or drinking something that has sugar or starch in it, bacteria use the sugar/starch to make acids.

Those acids start destroying the tooth's hard outer surface or enamel.

Fighting With Fluoride

As parents, you can help your kids halt any further tooth decay by using fluoride toothpaste and fluoride rinse. Fluoride can perform two important duties. First, it reduces the ability of bacteria to make acid, and it protects your enamel from mineral loss.

Have your child drink fluoridated water from your community's water supply system (tap water).

Unfortunately, bottled water does not contain enough fluoride to prevent tooth decay, according to the  American Dental Association .

Say No To Soda

It isn't easy during the coronavirus pandemic to avoid extra trips to the pantry for snacks, right?

We're stuck at home, and our children are receiving online education, and they get hungry quickly. Kids love junk food like sugary and salty snacks and sipping on juices and sodas.

For example, sugar-loaden beverages do plenty of dental damage. Just look at Mountain Dew alone. It's a very popular soda among children and actually, contains more sugar than Coke or Pepsi. The beverage is also made with citric acid, which also plays a role in weakening the tooth's enamel.

Offer healthy snacks like yogurt, granola bars, and fruit with milk, flavored water, or homemade smoothies.

Brushing 2X Daily

Keep your kid's routine going even though they are having school from home. Make sure they brush their teeth every morning upon arising and to do the same before going to bed at night.

Once you go off the routine, it's hard to re-establish those guidelines.

Brush your teeth with your children to show them how to maintain good oral care habits. Perform the brushing routine for two minutes as recommended by your dentist. As one  dentist in Palmdale CA mentions, now is an imperative time to be taking care of your oral health.

If your child is between the ages of 3 and 6, place only a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste on their brush. Teach them to spit out the toothpaste and not swallow it. Show them to gently brush their teeth and to reach back to get all of their teeth.

Flossing is another key step in excellent oral health care, and parents can show them how to do it. Kids usually develop the ability to floss on their own around age 10.

Chewing Sugar-Free Gum

A lot of kids enjoy chewing gum and blowing bubbles, and they can continue this fun activity by only choosing sugarless gum. Let's face it. Even sugarless gum is delicious and comes in a wonderful flavor assortment, so your kids can chew their favorite kind.

Dentists give sugar-free gum that is chewed after meals and snacks the thumbs up. Recent clinical studies show encouraging news that the gum promotes the remineralization of enamel and reduces the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Trident sugar-free gum is one brand that contains a compound that reduces the decaying bacteria known as S. mutans.

Many of us are stuck at home as we wait for COVID-19 restrictions to be lifted. Isolation, however, doesn't mean that it's time to slack off when it comes to our oral health care routine. Children, especially, need guidance. Until your child can see their dentist about their cavity, it's wise to follow the steps we've outlined above to maintain good habits .

Author's Bio: 

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests and photography. She feels happiest around a campfire surrounded by friends and family.