Sinus infection, otherwise known as sinusitis affects a lot of people. In fact we are all prone to it. It is an inflammation of the nasal passages and the sinuses or cavities in the skull. The sinuses help our body fight infection from bacteria and viruses. It is lined with mucous and tiny hair called cilia. These help trap and propel dangerous foreign bodies outward to prevent them from causing diseases.
Sinusitis is common because it can be caused by a lot of factors. Usually it follows viral or bacterial infection, but it can also be caused by allergens and pollutants in the environment. When these foreign bodies cause an inflammation in the sinuses, its lining thickens and sometimes causes an obstruction in the nasal passages, disrupting the normal process that clears bacteria. The bacteria then accumulate and multiply in the walls of the sinuses, thus causing the sinus infection symptoms to appear.
Sinus infection symptoms can often be mistaken as symptoms of other diseases such as the common colds because they are quite similar. The common symptoms are runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, lack of energy, fever, and lethargy. Thick greenish or yellowish discharges are usually present, and it often is foul smelling. A recurring sore throat is also very common.
Aside from the usual headache, pain can also be felt in the several areas of the face due to the accumulating pressure in the sinuses. This pain can be felt between and around the eyes, or just under the sockets of the eyes. Some people also feel eye soreness, chronic background headaches or sensitivity to bright light. Other people also have toothaches, usually around the molars of the upper jaws. The pain depends on which sinus cavity is inflamed.
In most cases, sinus infection is usually acute; however, it could also last for an extended period of time. Most of the time people tend to ignore them, and only begin to seek treatment when it’s already worsening or is already chronic. You should not wait until the symptoms progress. Sinusitis is easily treated, especially if you treat it early.
There are many treatment options for sinusitis. Decongestants are commonly prescribed to decrease obstruction in the airways. There are a lot of oral and nasal over-the-counter decongestants that you can use; however, you should not use them for more than three days. If you continue using them for more than three days, they become less effective and your body will need to use them more and more to experience relief. Be careful with using nasal sprays because you could become dependent on it. Both oral and nasal decongestants have side effects, and even though they can be bought without the prescription, you should still consult your physician before you buy them.
Antibacterial medications may also be needed to prevent complications and to provide relief of symptoms. Penicillin commonly used for acute sinusitis, but for people who are already resistant to it, cephalosporins can also be used. When taking antibiotics, make sure that you take them for the entire duration of the treatment. Do not stop taking them even if the symptoms have already disappeared, if the treatment period is still not over.
Other medications for sinusitis include antihistamines, pain relievers, expectorants, and intranasal or oral steroids. Make sure you consult your doctor about taking medications for sinusitis. In the meantime, you should increase your oral fluid intake to help reduce the congestion. Postural drainage, saline drops, and steam inhalation can also provide you some relief.
For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Sinus Infection Symptoms , Symptoms of Parkinsons Disease and Parkinsons Disease .