When you don’t take care of your health, you are prone to having different illnesses. Metabolic syndrome and hypoglycemia are two of the most common disorders that occur in about 20 to 30% of the population particularly in industrialized countries. Here are some ways on how you can treat these two disorders.

Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions which include elevated blood pressure, increased level of insulin, having excessive fat at the waist area and cholesterol levels that are beyond normal that result in diabetes and heart diseases. When you are diagnosed to have metabolic syndrome, treatment should be done immediately so that your risk for developing other serious diseases will be avoided. There are medications that will be given to you depending on your current condition. You will need to take them as prescribed, never missing a dose and not going beyond what was instructed. Along with that, you will need to do some lifestyle changes to speed up your recovery.

Obesity is one of the primary causes of metabolic syndrome and to resolve that, you will need to have regular exercise at least 30 minutes to an hour daily. Along with that, you need to have a healthy diet by limiting your intake of unhealthy fats and increase the fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish on your diet . You also need to lose weight to decrease your blood pressure and insulin level. This will help decrease your chances of having diabetes. If you are smoking, you need to stop it when you are diagnosed of metabolic syndrome. The chemical contents of cigarettes increase the insulin resistance of your body which worsens your health state.

On the other hand, hypoglycemia is a health condition wherein the blood sugar is below normal. The normal glucose level in the body is 80 to 120 mg/dl and when it goes lower than that, it would result to hypoglycemia. Although this can happen to anyone, those who have higher risks are the ones who have diabetes, both type 1 and 2. Other causes of hypoglycemia are tumors that produce insulin and some medications that alter the blood sugar level of the body.

Knowing the different hypoglycemia symptoms is vital in the treatment so that it should be addressed immediately. Some of the common symptoms are nervousness, intense hunger, profuse sweating, weakness and trembling, palpitations and in some, trouble with speaking. Treating these hypoglycemia symptoms require the immediate intake of sugar that is easily absorbed such as soda, table sugar and juice. About 15 grams of glucose is needed and the hypoglycemia symptoms will begin to improve within the first five minutes. After that period and there is still no improvement, another 15 grams is needed. For those who cannot take anything by mouth, they should immediately be brought to the hospital or you can call the paramedics so that IV access will be established. Dextrose will then be given intravenously, the dose depending on the blood sugar level. Glucagon, a medication that is injected intramuscularly can also be given by trained personnel.

Being extra careful with your health is all worth it, especially if you want to avoid having metabolic syndrome or hypoglycemia symptoms. But if you already have any of these disorders, you can still make some changes so that they can be treated.

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For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Hypoglycemia Symptoms and Metabolic Syndrome .