The fallopian tube is the passage of sperm, and it is the place where sperm and eggs combine. If the fallopian tube is narrow, closed, deformed, or poor peristalsis caused by adhesion and hormone disorder for various reasons, sperm and eggs cannot meet or transport smoothly, and it can cause infertility or ectopic pregnancy . Hydrosalpinx is a typical pathological manifestation of inflammatory infection.

Hydrosalpinx is caused by the adhesion and closure of the umbrella end of the fallopian tube. The secretion of mucosal cells accumulates in the lumen, or the adhesion of the narrow part and umbrella end occurs due to fallopian tube inflammation. The obstruction forms fallopian tube empyema. When the pus cells in the lumen are absorbed, the serous liquid leaks out from the tube wall and fills the lumen, which can also form hydrosalpinx.

Generally speaking, the leading cause of hydrosalpinx is chronic pelvic bacterial inflammation. In addition, ectopic pregnancy , pelvic surgery, and severe endometriosis are also essential factors.

What examination should hydrosalpinx patients do?Method 1: ultrasonography. Some cases of fallopian tube effusion can be shown on ultrasound, mainly in the acute stage of fallopian tube inflammation. The inflammation of the fallopian tube leads to the blockage of the umbrella end. The inflammatory exudate accumulates in the lumen of the fallopian tube to make an ultrasound display. That is, through this kind of inspection method of fallopian tube effusion, it is not true that there is no fluid. It means that its diagnostic specificity is not strong.

Method 2: salpingography. It is a reliable and straightforward method for the examination of hydrosalpinx. X-ray showed that the fallopian tube was developed in the whole process, and the umbrella end had been roughly expanded. After 20 minutes, the delayed film showed the residual shadow of fallopian tubes on both sides, and there was no contrast medium diffusion in the pelvic cavity.

Method 3: laparoscope. Tubal laparoscopy can directly diagnose hydrosalpinx. The adhesion between the umbrella end and the surrounding can be seen under laparoscopy to determine the fallopian tube function. Laparoscopy is very accurate, which is an advanced diagnostic technology in gynecological examination at present.

Want to be pregnant, what to do?
1. Conservative treatment: conservative treatment is generally used when hydrosalpinx is mild, and the fallopian tube is slightly adhesive after evaluating fallopian tube radiography. Traditional Chinese medicine has a significant effect in conditioning, repairing, and eliminating inflammation, such as Herbal medicine Fuyan Pill . Moreover, it is convenient to take. It can directly contact the focus, play the role of anti-inflammatory, and clean up tubal effusion.

2. Hysteroscopy: after the microscopical catheter is sent into the fallopian tube through the hysteroscopic operation hole, methylene blue solution is pressurized and pushed inward to dredge the interstitial obstruction. The patency of the fallopian tube is judged according to the water injection pressure, speed, whether there is liquid overflow and whether there is reflux after stopping the injection.

However, the flexibility of operating the instrument, after all, is not as refined as the hand. Although there are several holes in the external surgical opening and there are no large wounds, the instrument is easy to cause trauma to organs and adjacent organs, resulting in unnecessary damage.

3. Salpingostomy: salpingostomy applies to patients with unobstructed proximal fallopian tube and hydrosalpinx and atresia at the distal end. Patients can adopt surgical treatment if the umbrella end of hydrosalpingostomy can still recover its function after salpingostomy. Surgical treatment can be divided into open surgery and laparoscopic surgery.

Pay attention to the following aspects to prevent hydrosalpinx:

1. If women in the childbearing period have no desire and plan for a child, they should take correct contraceptive measures to avoid induced abortions, prevent hydrosalpinx caused by reproductive system inflammation and avoid secondary infertility. External ejaculation, safe period contraception, and repeated use of emergency contraceptives may increase the failure rate of contraception. To take the whole process with condoms for contraception, or put birth control rings, or take short-acting contraceptives for contraception.

2. Avoid sexual life during menstruation and unclean sexual life, and prevent reproductive tract infection.

3. Women should have a gynecological exam every year to find asymptomatic gynecological inflammation as soon as possible. When suffering from tuberculosis, appendicitis, or acute reproductive tract infection, take active and timely treatment to avoid fallopian tube or endometrium infection. When hydrosalpinx is found, treat it as soon as possible to reduce the probability of infertility.

4. Females should develop good living habits in their daily life. Don't stay up late, keep the vulva clean and hygienic, pay attention to exercise , and enhance the body's immunity.

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