Hamstring injury and Marfan injury are two disorders that we often hear about but we have no idea on how to treat them. Here are some treatment methods for these disorders, with some that are easily done at home without the help of a health care professional.
A hamstring injury refers to the tear in the hamstring muscles. These three muscles are responsible for the bending of the knee and the extension of the hip or the movement of the thighs backward. There are four common symptoms of hamstring injury. There is bruising at the back of the thigh and can go down to the knee, swelling, muscle spasms that is usually painful and difficulty of movement. There are several causes of hamstring injuries and it is common in athletes especially those who do a lot of jumping and stretching activities.
The RICE technique is one of the most recommended treatment methods for hamstring injury. RICE stands for rest, ice, compress and elevate. Since there is an injury to your legs, you need to have adequate rest and avoid straining the affected area to prevent further injuries. You can also apply ice packs over the affected area to help relieve the pain and decrease swelling. If you have compressive bandage, apply these on your legs to prevent intramuscular bleeding. Elevation will help in decreasing the swelling as well as maintaining the normal blood flow within the body. If you know a physical therapist, ask for help so that you can start rehabilitation of the affected muscles.
If the above treatment methods are not working, you should see your doctor for proper evaluation and if there are additional treatments that need to be done. Also, you need to seek for medical help if you have difficulty when walking , when the pain is intolerable and is not relieved with rest and when you feel that there is a rupture of the hamstring. Nevertheless, seek for medical attention if you are not sure about what to do for your hamstring injury.
On the other hand, Marfan injury is a medical condition wherein the connective tissues of the body such as the skeletal and cardiovascular systems, the eyes and the skin are affected. This is a genetic disorder and people who have it are described as unusually tall, with spider-like fingers and long limbs. It can be mild to severe, with affected body areas depending on the severity of the disorder. Some of the signs and symptoms of Marfan injury include flat feet, crowded teeth and highly arched palate, very flexible joints, nearsightedness, learning disabilities, scoliosis and thin, narrow face.
As of the moment, there is no cure for Marfan injury and the treatment is focused on improving the quality of life and minimizing the signs and symptoms. Vision problems should be treated, and medicines are given to help in slowing down the heart rate to help prevent heart problems. Scoliosis should also be monitored and addressed properly. Those who are suffering from Marfan injury are also advised to avoid strenuous activities and contact sports to avoid injuries especially those that concern the heart.
Knowing about Marfan injury and hamstring injury is necessary so that you are able to identify the different treatment methods for these disorders.
For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Hamstring Injury , Marfan Syndrome and Lyme Disease Symptoms .