Allergies affect a large number of people each year. The tendency to become allergic is inherited, meaning that if you have parents and other relatives with sinus problems and other coughing and sneezing symptoms, chances are you will develop them as well. Most people develop allergic problems by the age of 30.
Many people are often triggered by seasonal change, especially in the Spring when the pollen count is up and mold spores are high. There are also those who are highly allergic to bug bites, which can sometimes be very fatal. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to minimize your chances of becoming sick.
Allergy-Proof Your Home
One of the best ways to ward off the coughing, post-nasal drip, watery eyes, redness and irritation that accompanies allergy problems is to make sure that you keep your home clean. Try to minimize all strong fragrances and dust frequently. You might notice that your Allergies become prominent during times of heavy cleaning, which is why it is important to maintain a regular cleaning schedule.
All of the dusting can easily bring about many of the above-mentioned allergy symptoms, so it is best to be sure that your home does not get out of hand. In addition, be sure to use non-chemical cleaners, and if you must use chemicals, be sure to wear a cleaning mask to minimize the amount of chemicals you breathe in.
Over-the-Counter Medications
Over-the-counter antihistamines are wonderful for treating seasonal allergic reactions as well as reactions to dust and pet hair. It's best to use an antihistamine that does not cause drowsiness. Fortunately, you can use these medications as often as you would like. If planning to use long term however, it's best to check with your family physician.
The Power of Natural Remedies
Taking an extra Vitamin C supplement may help you to reduce the amount of inflammation you experience during a flare-up. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and can also reduce post-nasal drip.
You might also consider consuming berries, citrus fruits, plums, peppers, broccoli, and spinach, as each of these foods contain flavonoids, which also help to reduce allergy symptoms. Angelica can be used to reduce the amount of antibodies the body produces, and is a great alternative to prescription medication for the treatment of hay fever. For best results, consume ½ teaspoon per cup of tea or water.
Another treatment to consider is the use of chili pepper (cayenne). Chili pepper contains capsaicin, which helps to remove mucosa from the airways and prevent them from becoming inflamed and secreting excessive fluids.
Seeing a Professional
In more severe cases, Allergies cannot be treated with natural remedies. In such cases, it's best to consult with an allergy professional. A doctor can effectively treat harsher cases with prescription medications designed to eliminate the problem directly. However, it is best to be informed of the fact that most prescription medications contain side effects, but are always a recommended treatment for those who are not able to naturally control their allergic reactions on their own.
Popa Woolsey writes articles about mental and physical fitness.His articles are widely published including 58 countries world wide.