It's not easy. Transforming burn-out to balance takes work and you must have the intention to change things up and then to take action:

Exercise your intuition ; inquire within.

Own your strengths.

Identify your compass..understand what gives you direction.

List your tolerations and understand how you can eliminate them. Take action.

Take time out to BE with the best way for you to relax.

Practice saying no; you do not always have to be available.

Acknowledge your fears. What blocks you from moving forward?

Reframe your inner voice to overcome negative self talk.

Find your sacred space and touch your divinity.

Celebrate the best of you and find someone to join you!

I am a Peak Performance Success Coach empowering individuals and organizations to SOAR! to your highest heights of happiness, success, productivity and abundance . You may Contact me for a complimentary telephone or Skype consult .

Author's Bio: 

Eileen Lichtenstein, MS Ed, CEO of Balance & Power, Inc is a certified Anger Management Specialist, Career and Mid-Life Coach, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique ) Practitioner and a former Biofeedback Therapist and faculty at Hofstra University. "SOAR! with Resilience™: The Interactive Book for Overcoming Obstacles & Achieving Success" is the core material for many of her trainings and a motivational read for anyone struggling to take their personal or professional life to a higher level of success and satisfaction.