Nail Extensions

If a list of all the hottest beauty trends is made, you will definitely find nail extensions somewhere near the top of the list. Nail extensions are one big trend that women don't seem to get over any time soon. Why would they? I mean, there is definitely something about having long manicured nails that makes you feel much more put together. In fact, now, with the best gel top coat , your nails stay gorgeous or longer till the next filling.

We often forget to take care of the tiniest part of the body - nails. But you know when you are dressed from top to bottom, and your makeup is on fleek, your chipped nails are really going to kill the vibe in your insta pictures. So, level up your manicure game because, trust me, there is no feeling better than walking out of a salon with a fresh set of nail extensions. If you are new to this trend or have tried it, but your experience was not so great, here are some tips that will help you take care of your gel extensions so that they live longer and you have a good experience.

Choose the right shapeFirst of all, when you are making the decision to get nail extensions, make sure that you pick the right shape and length. I'm pretty sure that you have thumbnails saved because you want it all. Sure the nails in those pictures look flattering, but they can also trick you into making blunders with your nails. So, before you step out to the salon, do some homework and pick out the nail shape and length that will suit you. You can even consult with the nail technician and share your lifestyle with them. They will suggest the best length that won't hinder any activity.

Treat them gentlyAlways, I repeat, always treat your extension gently. If you don't show mercy on them and continue to open cans with your nails, they are going to get damaged and break really badly. Honestly, an acrylic nail breakage can be extremely painful. Now your nails are all dressed up, so you gotta treat them like a diva. Always wear gloves when you are about to dig some dirt.

Consider gel topcoatsThen comes the gel topcoat. Consider a gel top coat as mandatory because it is actually a power pack for your extensions. A gel topcoat may cost you a little extra, but it's with it because its going to increase the lifetime of your acrylic nails. To avoid any cracks and chipping, repeat the topcoat for gel nail polish after every 3-4 days.

Avoid acetoneAcetone does not mix well with your acrylic, so you need to avoid using it at any cost. Whenever you wish to change the nail paint, consider taking a trip to the parlor instead of applying acetone and changing the paint.

These are some tips to take care of your gel nail extensions .

Author's Bio: 

I am Eric Desuza a pro-level blogger with 5 years of experience in writing for multiple industries. I have extensive knowledge of Food, Fitness, Healthcare, business, fashion, Lifestyle, Business and many other popular niches. I have post graduated in arts and have a keen interest in traveling.