Sleep is a necessity since this is the time when the mind and body are able to rest and recuperate from all the activities that you have been doing while you were awake. However, not everyone can have the needed amount of sleep everyday such as in the case of sleep disorders. Learn about the different sleep apnea symptoms so that you will know if you are having this problem or not.
Sleep apnea is a condition that is characterized by the interruption of breathing during sleep. The interruption in breathing can last for about 20 to 30 seconds and it can happen throughout the night. This is a very common disorder but it is not often treated because it is often mistaken as just simple snoring. This is a rare condition for children as it commonly occurs in adults. When you have this condition, you will have less time for deep sleep or otherwise referred to as restorative sleep since this is the one needed to be mentally sharp and energetic the next day.
Sleep disorders have three types and these are central, obstructive and complex. Obstructive is the one that is the most common and this happens when there is a blockage in the airway such as when the soft tissue located at the throat relaxes when you are sleeping. Central sleep disorders happen when there is a problem with the central nervous system, when the brain is not capable to send proper signals to the muscles that control your breathing. Lastly, complex sleep apnea is a combination of these two types.
Sleep apnea symptoms can be hard to identify especially if you do not have a medical background. However, if you notice these manifestations that happen every time you or another person you know sleeps, then you should consult your doctor for proper evaluation. The major sleep apnea symptoms are chronic and loud snoring, gasping and choking while sleeping, long pauses when breathing and sleepiness during daytime. Other sleep apnea symptoms are having a sore throat or dry mouth upon waking up, headaches in the morning, restlessness during sleep, insomnia, frequent trips to the bathroom at night, waking up feeling out of breath, being forgetful and moody. For children, it is difficult to recognize this disorder. Aside from the major sleep apnea symptoms that are manifested, you can also observe children to be hyperactive, inattentive, there is a decrease in their school performance, irritable, hostile and they breathe through their mouth instead of the nose.
The treatment of sleep apnea symptoms will depend on the underlying causes. If you are obese, then you will need to have a balanced diet and you will need to lose weight. Smokers and those who have regular intake of alcohol and sedatives should avoid these. Caffeine intake is not recommended as well as having heavy meals just before bedtime since these can lead to sleep disorders. It is also recommended that you should maintain a steady sleep schedule so that your body will get accustomed to it. These will not cure this disorder though, so it is but important to consult a doctor for other treatment methods.
Sleep apnea is a disorder that should not be ignored since sleep is important for physiologic functioning. When you know the different sleep disorder symptoms, then you will be able to identify if you are suffering from this disorder.
For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Sleep Apnea Symptoms , Sleep Apnea Treatment and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms .