An effective way to deal with stress is to prevent it altogether. People under stress will often avoid making decisions (for fear of making the wrong one) and procrastinate as a way of avoiding doing something that might be anxious. Below are a few simple ideas to help avoid stress.

Decision Making

On a piece of paper and in reference to the decision you want to make, (a) list your options, (b) record the pros of each option, (c) record the cons of each option. You can also rate each pro and con on a scale of 1 to 10, giving the appropriate weighting for each.

Stop Procrastination, Just Do It

Putting things off may actually create undue stress. By putting things off, you actually make them "bigger", and subsequently harder to avoid. Dealing with things directly will often reduce your level of stress considerably. Also, use a day planner to schedule enough leisure time. Doing this type of planning helps balance work and play. This will help you enjoy your playtime as well as your work time. You won't resent working knowing leisure time is scheduled and coming up soon.


People who haven't learned to delegate often feel needlessly stressed. Some are poor delegators because of too little or too much ego. Delegating isn't a matter of dictating to others; it's asking others to assist you by doing tasks they can handle. This gives you more time to do those tasks that perhaps only you can do.

Tips for Dealing With Stress and Tension

Stress and Tension are normal reactions to events that threaten us. Such threats can come from accidents, financial troubles and problems on the job or with family .

The way we deal with these pressures has a lot to do with our mental, emotional and physical health.

The following are suggestions to get you started on managing the stress in your life. Resources to help you in each of the following areas are identified in this booklet.

1. Recognize your symptoms of stress

2. Look at your lifestyle and see what can be changed -- in your work situation, your family situation, or your schedule

3. Use relaxation techniques - yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or massage

4. Exercise - Physical activity is one of the most effective stress remedies around!

5. Time management - Do essential tasks and prioritize the others. Consider those who may be affected by your decisions, such as family and friends. Use a check list so you will receive satisfaction as you check off each job as it is done

6. Watch your diet - Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, fats and tobacco all put a strain on your body's ability to cope with stress. A diet with a balance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and foods high in protein but low in fat will help create optimum health. Contact your local branch of the Heart and Stroke Foundation for further information about healthy eating

7. Get enough rest and sleep

8. Talk with others - Talk with friends, professional counsellors, support groups or relatives about what is bothering you

9. Help others - Volunteer work can be an effective and satisfying stress reducer

10. Get away for awhile - Read a book, watch a movie, play a game, listen to music or go on vacation. Leave yourself some time that's just for you

11. Work off your anger - Get physically active, dig in the garden, start a project, get your spring cleaning done

12. Give in occasionally - Avoid quarrels whenever possible

13. Tackle one thing at a time - Don't try to do too much at once.

14. Don't try to be perfect

15. Ease up on criticism of others

16. Don't be too competitive

17. Make the first move to be friendly

18. Have some fun!! Laugh and be with people you enjoy!

Author's Bio: 

George Bielay has been a practicing therapist since 1991. During this time, he has worked in various counselling settings such as community mental health, agencies,residential treatment centres, marriage and family therapy clinics, employee assistance programs and post-secondary schools and universities. He has also taught at the post-secondary level, and am a Clinical Supervisor to professional therapists. If you are looking for Stress Counselling , please visit us online today!