There is an adage that you are what you eat – it simply means that what you eat decides how you look and more importantly, how healthy you are. So, the more junk food you consume, the heavier you might look. The same will reflect on your skin and hair as well, because neither will have that glow of health. However, if you are someone who has a regular intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, you are bound to have hair that shines and skin that glows. In addition, chances are that your body is fitter and healthier.
Studies have shown that what you eat makes a big difference to how your hair looks. Eat well and you are sure to have hair that shines, remains frizz free and is truly strong. In this article, we will look at some simple steps that can lead to you having healthy hair . These include little tweaks in your daily diet and the addition of certain superfoods for your hair.
• Eat breakfast like a king or queen – Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day and if you really care about your hair, you need to make sure that you do not skip the same. As is the case with your body, the levels of energy are really low during the mornings, because the body has been deprived of food for a long interval and whatever you ate at night, has already been digested. The same is the case with your hair too – by the time you are up and about in the morning, your hair too has been deprived of nutrition . Ensure your body, and in turn your hair, receives a proper combination of complex carbohydrates and proteins. Good ideas for a healthy breakfast include scrambled eggs or omelettes which include spinach, combined with toasted whole wheat bread. Or you could have a bowl of natural yoghurt with fresh berries and honey. If you are someone who enjoys bagel, feel free to indulge in one with slices of smoked salmon. For those who are hard-pressed for time, an easy way out would be to boil eggs at night and then carry the same the next day.
• Breakfast is important, but so are other meals –There are many of us, who feel that skipping a meal is a great way to losing unnecessary weight. This, however, is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Your body, as well as your hair, needs regular nutrition , and it is important that you eat at regular intervals. When you leave a gap between meals, the existing energy is diverted towards other purposes. This means that your hair will receive lesser nutrition that it deserves. If you have been losing more hair than usual, then you can meet a doctor and get some blood tests done to confirm whether your hair cells are receiving proper nutrition or not. However, if you are someone who eats regularly and in a healthy manner, you should have little to worry about.
• Make Sunday a meat day – If you are a non-vegetarian, then you should certainly try to include lean meats in your diet , at least once a week. Red meat is a great source of iron, which is crucial for proper hair growth. When your body has low levels of ferritin or iron, you will notice more shedding and loss of hair, before they reach their optimum length. Alternatively, if you prefer fish more than your red meat, you can certainly enjoy a large portion of salmon. Salmon is one of the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids, which is great for healthy hair. If you are a vegetarian, you need not worry, because all green leafy vegetables are great sources of iron, and you can include them in your daily diet , in the form of salads or cooked into soups and other dishes.
• Munch healthy –there is nothing wrong in indulging in snacks, in between meals – as a matter of fact, it is a good idea to eat small meals every four hours. However, it is important that you snack healthy and instead of indulging in fried food, it would be wise to stock up on crackers, dried fruits, such as apricots and walnuts and even fresh fruits. If you prefer to sip in between meals, you could opt for smoothies, which have a mix of fresh fruits as well as vegetables.
• Hydration is crucial –Moisture from within is just as important as it is from the outside. This means that oiling your hair and washing it with the right shampoo and conditioner is important, but it is also essential to keep your body hydrated. It is important to drink a minimum of two litres of water a day and you can also include other drinks in your diet. Indulge in fresh fruit juices, smoothies or tea with milk, but steer clear of aerated drinks. While green tea is a healthy option, if you are opting for your regular brand of black tea, it is best that you add a little low fat milk to the same. This will ensure that you are safe from anaemia.
If you are someone who is constantly on the move, there are plenty of things you can carry with you, which will not only alleviate the hunger pangs, but also nourishment for your tresses. These include:
• Nuts such as pumpkin seeds and walnuts
• Vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots
• Fruits such as mangoes, kiwis, blueberries and strawberries
• Milk products such as Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and low-fat cheese

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Dr. Kapil Dua, a hair restoration expert & co-founder of AK Clinics. He loves to help people get the hair back and keeping it healthy all the way.