Came home last night and sighed, sighed a sigh of relief at being home. Home, home they say is where the heart is and definitely my heart is here anchored in my home and it feels so nice and wonderful to me and I feel blessed each time I walk through the door.

But this is not the case for others coming home. Sometimes they drag their tired bodies home after what can be a very hard and weary day seeking solitude, relief and healing and upliftment from the day and walk into pain, to misery, to depression to a home that feel down and out and sad. Ah so sad.

They collapse and wonder what their life is all about; their minds drifting from place to place, remembering the pain, suffering or grief of that lost love, that missed job promotion or forced sale and wondering why they cannot just move on and get back on track with their life!

“Why do I have to keep going over and over this stuff”!
“Why can’t I just let it go”?
“Why, why, why”!?!?!

The answer to those questions may not be as difficult as you would think! The emotional trauma locked within the energy of their homes may be providing the chains binding them to the memories. Sometimes, all that is required is to do a healing session to clear the negative energy of the home which releases the stored memories and frees the mind and emotions!

Thirty years ago, this concept would probably have raised a lot of eyebrows but today, films like “What the Bleep” or “the Secret” have drawn out attention to the previously unknown fact that everything has its own energy system and that everything that is said, thought and experienced creates an energy structure of that event which radiates out into the environment that is around the event.

When people become over-whelmed with life or have health, emotional or relationships issues, they seek help through counselling, energy healing or other therapies to sort out their lives, to enable them to get back on track so that their lives can flow again. Healing or a multitude of different therapies offers relief to the problem in hand and following their “therapy” sessions, they head home in gratitude that they have finally moved through their stuff.

Wow, what a relief… they feel so great to have the freedom of the release! They walk back into their home and much to their dismay, the kids are reacting in the same way, the beds still need making and the home feels just the way they left it… weighed down by the emotions, the depression, the anxiety , fear or other negativity it has experienced! They walk in and the energy, the vibes of their home encompasses them and slowly, day by day, helps to imprison them, yet again!

Houses need healing too! They need to have their energy regularly cleared and healed of the emotional, mental and physical clutter that they get bombarded with as much as we all do! Happy, relaxed families, equate to happy relaxed homes. But with so much financial and just plain old living stress that people are experiencing today, often homes are reeling on their foundations, screaming out for help but sadly the families living there are so stressed by their depression or anxiety or whatever they are experiencing that they are unable to hear the houses plea for help!

As we become more and more sensitive to energy, so to does the need to keep our home environments clear and free from our own mental and emotional clutter! This is usually not too difficult a problem and, in fact, a lot of the solutions to raise the energy of the home and clear out negative energy are part of the day-to-day living that we all take for granted.

Messy Homes:

I often hear teenagers say that they love their messy room and that probably is the case! But generally messy homes help people have messy heads. Housework needing to be done will visually impact to nag away at your mind and cause stress and over-load that can be avoided by just tidying up as you go. Endeavor to keep your home reasonably tidy. Teach your children to pick up after themselves. If you are inclined to be a little untidy, retrain yourself! Walk into the home, put your gear away where it goes; tidy up as you see it (rather than walk around or over it)! Then feel the difference!

Praise for a Job Well Done:

When things need doing, don’t put off until tomorrow. Do as much as you can today, pat yourself on the back and give yourself praise for a job well done! Then tomorrow get back on the job until all those things that you have always promised you will do, have been completed. It clears the mind of the endless round ‘n round head-chatter that prevents you from getting on with the things that you enjoy and help to raise your vibration and thus the vibration of the home!

Clear the clutter and help free the mind!

Unloved or unwanted items that sit around, gathering dust help to bring a vibration of neglect into the home. We have all heard it said that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure! Sort through your house, room by room and clear out all things that you no longer use or like; clothes that don’t fit any more or thing you are generally storing away, just in case! The rule of thumb is that if you haven’t used it or worn it in two or three years, it is just taking up space preventing something else coming into your life! Move it on and feel the difference! Sell your “junk” on line or have a garage sale and use the funds for a great night out for the family or buy something that you have always wanted that you will treasure.

Just as important, throw away or fix anything broken as broken things radiate out negative energy!

Spring clean your home:

After that, start room by room and spring clean the house. Chemical cleaners can be harsh on the body so, if possible, use natural ingredients and pure essential oils which not only provide a lovely fragrance to uplift the space but also will help uplift you and the energy of your home in the process.

Surround yourself with things you Love:

Your home is your castle and your creative space. Look around that space and feel into its creativity . Outfitting your home can be an expensive exercise or done on the cheap through op shops or markets. Gets your friends aboard and have a swop day but fill your home with things that you feel great about and watch your mood change!

A Change is as good as a Rest:

As we get stagnant by doing the same thing day after day, homes do as well. Regularly shift the furniture around, if you can, and you instantly change the feel of the room. Even small movement in the room has the ability to change the energetic feel. Feel into it before the shift… does it feel better this way or that and adjust the furniture around until it feels great to you!

Gratitude :

Whatever your home is like, it is home and will always be so. Express gratitude for your home and if you cannot find it within yourself to like the home or feel grateful for it, move! Move on from the place and find somewhere that you feel comfortable in.
Space Clearing Sprays:

Along with physically clearing and cleaning the home, the spaces can be kept clear through the use of a Space Cleansing Spray (like the Elixir of Light Space Clearing Spray) which provides a fast and effective way to clear out old, negative energy and uplift and lighten the space.

Formal House Clearing:

If you find that you have carried out all the above and nothing seems to shift the energy, you may require to have a formal clearing or cleansing carried out. This is completed in a similar way to a distant energy healing but this time the recipient of the healing session is the home environment itself. This provides a deep, profound clearing of the energy of the home and will help raise the energetic feel of the home and bring it into a more loving and welcoming space.

Finally, the moral of the story is that if you have been to hell and back, if you and your man have been having a rough time, if you cannot shifts emotions like depression, anxiety or fear, if the kids are playing up, if there has been illness in the house, then it is time to clear your homes and release that past stuff that is impregnated in the “energy”, the “feeling” of the home! By doing so, you will find that a weight has been lifted off everyone’s backs and you will have helped move the energy of your home into a more peaceful, positive and uplifting environment.

Author's Bio: 

Suzanne Evans of Heavenly Vibrations ( ) has been practicing as a healer, intuitive coach and mentor for twenty plus years and carries out healing session all around the world.

Realizing that we need more at this time of massive change in the world, Suzanne provides a holistic approach to her work. She explores all aspects of her clients' lives including their relationships, home and work environments.

She is passionate about teaching her clients so that they grow in confidence, clarity and enthusiasm, able to embrace and enjoy life more fully and freely.

She is also the creator of a unique range of self-help tools, Heavenly Vibrations Elixirs of Light for both clinic and at-home usage. These formulas are self-cleansing, never needing to be recharged and can be used by anyone, everyone, any time, over and over again.

She believes that understanding our energetic nature and learning to work with it provides a key to our long-term health and well-being.