If your thighs, legs, arms, abdomen, and buttocks are plagued with unsightly cottage cheese or orange peels, then the usage of cellulite treatment creams might probably ease you out of it. Unfortunately enough, majority of the creams sold in the market today are very expensive. Aside from this, these products are also chemically made.

Opportunely, there is an alternative cellulite treatment to creams, i.e. making homemade cellulite creams. One type of recommended homemade treatment for cellulite is cocoa butter mixed with different types of oils. This is safer compared to chemically-made cellulite creams. What’s best is it works at par with those creams less the surmounting cost.

This homemade cellulite balm has the capacity to hamper the propagation of dimply skin on whichever part of the cellulite-affected area you apply it on to. To start up, we need the following ingredients:-
Cocoa Butter
Non-petroleum jelly
Grape seed oil
Orange blossom oil

In a double broiler, blend the non-petroleum, cocoa butter, and grape seed oil.
Gently stir the ingredients until all of it is completely fused.
Remove the concoction from the flame.
Let the mixture set until it will start to slightly melt.
Lastly, put in the blossom orange oil to the mixture.

Now we are finished. Isn’t that easy enough?

To store our finished homemade cellulite treatment balm, put it in a container and tightly seal it. Store it in a cool dry place like the refrigerator. Always keep the balm refrigerated for a few hours before using it.

To apply, simply rub the balm on the cellulite-affected area. It is best to apply the cellulite treatment during a massage to enhance further its benefits. By itself, massages can alleviate cellulite as it stimulates the blood vessels and lymphatic system. Increasing the circulation and lymphatic drainage is essential in minimizing the bulge of cellulites. These two bodily processes are the body way of extricating wastes and toxins. And since cellulite is formed when runaway fats, toxins, and fluids get trapped inside the subcutaneous cells, the application of cellulite treatments like our homemade balm can get smooth out dimply skin in no time.

The application of our cellulite treatment balm through massage need to be done twice or thrice a day for several weeks until we begin to notice visible results. Remember that results vary with this treatment for cellulite. It may or may not work for everyone, so don’t get upset if it will not work for you. In this case, you can resort to what has been believed as the ultimate cellulite cure – exercise and proper diet .

In the end, what will totally liberate us from cellulite bondage is not reliant on the products we use. Instead, our attitude toward the condition is the sole remedy that can ease us out the social stigma associated with cellulite.

Author's Bio: 

Want to use cellulite treatment creams but hate the price? Try this cellulite balm recipe .