Stress is a natural and unavoidable part of everyday life. In fact, our body’s stress response is actually a benefit. It equips us to respond effectively to situations that may pose a threat to our mental or emotional health. So why do people complain about stress?

When we have poor coping skills, the benefits of the stress response are replaced by the detrimental effects of prolonged stress. Our bodies are not made to tolerate that!

It is critical that we all know how to recover from stressful situations, wind down after a stressful day, and prevent prolonged or chronic stress.

Yoga, journaling, prayer/meditation, and massage are among the stress reducers that most people are familiar with. However, there are many other ways to reduce stress and restore balance in your life. One of these is diaphragm breathing. Stressful situations generally lead us to take short, shallow breaths; however, this exasperates the effects of stress on the body. By breathing in deeply, feeling the diaphragm as it expands, you may immediately reduce stress and its side effects.

Laughing is another quick way to reduce stress. There may be no better stress buster in the world than watching a good comedy or just having laughs with friends. Laughter reduces the levels of stress hormones (cortisol and epinephrine) and increases the level of endorphins.

A lesser known, yet equally beneficial, stress reliever is acupressure. Some of the best stress-reducing acupressure points are in the ears and forehead. Try giving yourself an ear rub, starting by using slight pressure on the ear lobe with your thumb and index finger. Move gently upward then downward to massage the entire ear. A similar technique is to place your thumb directly between your eyebrows. Apply pressure for a few seconds and then slide the thumb across your forehead and over each brow. To further intensify the effect and gain maximum benefits, use lavender oil when applying pressure. This essential oil has an amazing calming effect. It can increase your level of feel-good brain chemicals, aiding in the relief of stress.

In addition to preparing yourself with stress relievers for those chaotic times in your life, it is helpful to address the subject of prevention. Busy jobs, restless children and marital problems are stressful; however, external factors are usually not the main culprit for chronic stress. This type of recurring, ongoing, prolonged stress is often self- perpetuated.

Now, hold on a second! Before you use that as an excuse to blame, ridicule, and stress yourself, think about the bright side. If you are unintentionally causing excessive stress in your life, you can intentionally alleviate it. With a little behavior modification and a lot of dedication, you can take control of your stress level—and your level of happiness .

If you or someone you know feels trapped by the seemingly endless stress loop, you’ll appreciate the path to permanent relief described in How to Escape the Chronic Stress Loop . The suggestions in this article are simple yet life changing and you can begin immediately.

Author's Bio: 

Nea is the author of a self improvement blog . She specializes in encourages joyful living and a lifetime commitment to personal development.Visit for life-changing, Law of Attraction based self improvement ideas.