How can small business owners boost their sales pipeline? Here are the most effective methods of increasing your sales pipeline using the World Wide Web.

1. Have your own blog. Nowadays, blogging is the most effective way of showing your expertise to the world. Not only does your blog demonstrate the fantastic ideas you have in store for your business or industry but because Google certainly loves the relevant and consistent content on blogs, it increases your chances of attracting not just loyal readers, but potentially  qualified business sales leads  as well.

2. Make it simple—and easy for your visitors to reach you.  Yes, you have to reach out to them—make their lives easy, if you want them to contact you and to gather more  sales leads. It is no longer enough to have a site providing good and interesting information; you have to convert your visitors into  b2b leads  or much better, into buyers. Direct them. Even though it is good to have that “Contact Us” in your menu bar, it is even better and helpful if you include a contact form on each page of your website. Doing this would help your lead-conversion rates to get better results. And that’s not all. On every page, place your telephone numbers also. Never make it hard for your visitors to search for it.

3. Include videos on your website. Placing videos on your site is another effective means of involving and engaging your visitors to make them stick around on your website longer. Naturally, videos are way even more appealing than text content. What’s more, with videos, you can clearly and thoroughly showcase your knowledge to the world. Not to mention that this is a better way of converting visitors into  leads.

4. Offer them something interesting and substantial. Do you have something of good value to offer which you can send to them for free or they can download? How can you answer their questions in such a way that establishes you as the right company to partner with? What will your ideal customer want to receive when they meet you for the first time? It can actually be a downloadable PDF, white paper or ebook —but whatever that is, highlight it on the forefront.

5. Invest in some PPC advertising (pay-per-click ads).  Onceyou know that the visitors coming over to your website are also joining your mailing list, filling out  lead  forms then purchasing your things, it’s now time to buy some PPC (pay-per-click) ads in order to generate more and more  leads  and traffic. Since you’ve been monitoring your goals, you could evaluate just how much a single visitor is worth for you and if you bid advantageously, your pay per click investment will deliver gainful  business leads.

6. Build your social media presence. Social media is a great channel which allows you to meet and interrelate with various people before they have an idea that they may use your services. it makes it easier to target one’s defined target audience and then transport them to your site. If you have no idea how to do a social media campaign, you can  outsource to a lead generation firm  who has extensive experience with social media marketing.

Author's Bio: 

Anika Davis is a marketing executive for Leads and Appointments. And has a proven track record in helping b2b companies generate qualified sales leads through telemarketing, search engine marketing and email marketing. Find more lead generation tips and how to's at