Are you about sick of being shorter than average? Do you want to learn how to get taller naturally? There are many ways to grow taller naturally that actually work! No you don't have to go through expensive limb lengthening surgery or swallow all kinds of pills. All you have to do is follow simple tips on a consistent basis.

The simple and easy to follow way for anyone to get taller naturally is sleeping right, doing certain exercises, eating a healthy diet that promotes growth, and having good posture. These are the basics of adding inches to your stature.

The first thing you must do is eat a diet that is rich in calcium, vitamins, minerals, and protein. These nutrients are found in foods like red meats, fruits, veggies, and dairy products. Calcium is very important because research shows that this mineral strengthens and promotes health for the bones.

In order for you to grow to your maximum height the bones must be strong and healthy. Calcium deficiency results is brittle bones causing your height to be sacrificed. So eating foods that are rich in calcium is vitally important if you want to get taller naturally.

Another important element is doing the proper stretching exercises. Doing stretching exercises is very effective because it helps the body release human growth hormone into the brain which causes the body to grow to its full potential. One good and easy exercise that has been proven to work is doing pull-ups.

Through the natural effects of gravity the body is pulled or held to the earth which causes the bones, joints, and muscles to compress. This is why you are taller in the morning and shorter in the evening.

This is where pull-ups comes in. Pull-ups decompresses the body and stretches it back to where it suppose to be, and when you do this consistently on a daily basis you will eventually be taller.

Another way to get taller naturally is by getting proper sleep. Sleep is of eternal importance when it comes to increasing your height. Studies show that during sleep the pituitary gland shoots out human growth hormone . This is the key hormone that will cause you to grow taller naturally. The best sleep is anytime before 12am. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, this is very important. The body heals and repairs itself during sleep.

The last and often neglected thing we will look at is water. Drinking enough water is the trick that makes everything work! You could do all the exercises in the world and eat the best foods in the world, but if your body is not properly hydrated you will see little to no results.

This is one reason some people fail to increase their height. If your body is 20% hydrated you will only get 20% benefit from your height program. On the other hand if your body is 100% hydrated you will get 100% benefit from your program and grow to your full potential.

These are simple and easy tips to follow and anyone could do them and increase their height no matter how old they are!

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Can I grow taller is the question many people have, and now that you know its possible for ANYONE to grow taller do you want to know the absolute easiest ways to do it? Click on the link above.