Does speaking in public scare the pants off you? Well, then, you are in the majority. Most people have a fear of public speaking and so, they don’t do it.

When (notice I did NOT say ‘if’!!!) you are serious about growing your business and getting your message out there in a big way, then you must get out and speak on stages. There are some simple strategies that I have developed over the past 20+ years and I want to share them with you.


1. Go TO events – connect with the event planners – start to develop a relationship with them and find out when/how they book speakers for future/other events.

2. Research websites – I made a list of all the big stages I wanted to be on. I then started my research of my ‘mentors’ – speakers who inspire me. I check their websites to see where they have been speaking and make a point of connecting with those organizations to get myself positioned to be a speaker in the future.

3. Use Google Alerts – I use Google alerts and plug in things like ‘Call for Speakers – Women’s Business Conferences 2012” (organizers are usually booking a year in advance).

4. Check out local opportunities. There are many organizations within a 10-mile radius of where you live who are always looking for speakers. It may not always be a fee-for-speaking opportunity, however, it is always an opportunity to get in front of people (ensure it is your ideal audience) and share your message. Be sure to get testimonials and referrals.

5. Check back with past clients. I have often done ‘repeat’ speaking engagements with former clients. In the work I do with my clients, I help them to prepare 3 key topics on which to speak – you can share the same message, but in different ways.

6. Create your own event! That’s what one of my clients did recently – as she grows her motivational speaking business. Here was her note to me the following morning:
“Total success last night!!! It went just like I envisioned. More people than chairs. I feel very good about last night. It went over time as people had great questions and dialogue. Learning and moving onto next one Oct 6th. Bigger venue!” – Lorraine Peters

There are many opportunities to get out there and speak! You probably aren’t seeing them, or hearing about them, because you can’t get past the fear. Fear usually comes from a lack of knowledge and that can easily be changed once you work with the right coach. You simply ‘don’t know what you don’t know”.

Some of the things you need to learn about, and work on, include creating your signature talk, developing a ‘Speaker One-Sheet’, speaking techniques, testimonial templates, and so much more that goes along with this – the speaking matrix, etc. My clients get the foundation in place quickly and seize the speaking opportunities with great confidence and excitement. We tend to over-complicate things – and that is not necessary.

“Always be shorter than anybody dared to hope. ~Lord Reading, on speechmaking.”


Public speaking is a critical skill when growing your business and, more importantly, getting your message out to the world. You can make some great money as a speaker – you can make a bigger difference when you are in front of large groups of people. It’s not something to be feared – it is, rather, something to be mastered.

Get out of your own way and share your gift with the world!

Author's Bio: 

Pat Mussieux is fast becoming regarded as one of the voices for women's entrepreneurial success. After leaving her 22-year marriage with virtually nothing, and moving across the country at age 55 to start a new life, she re-launched her coaching and speaking business - taking it from zero and growing it into a multiple 6-figure home-based business. Much of her success can be attributed to her expertise when it comes to marketing, mindset and money!
Pat has been featured as an expert in both print media and on TV. She was nominated as one of the 2010 and 2011 RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneurs of the Year; as well, Pat has been nominated for the Chatelaine magazine “Woman of the Year for 2011”. Pat is Founder of Wealthy Women Leaders, and provides business and success advice and resources to clients around the world.
Pat is the author of "The 7-Step Guide To Growing Your Business by Getting Out of Your Own Way ", teaching women entrepreneurs how to get their message out, close the sale, enjoy massive results, and create some simple systems and processes for success!
Through her coaching programs and products, Pat teaches her clients how to experience freedom inside and out and create the life they truly want to live, now! It's a 'no-excuses' approach! You can reach her at