1. Maintaining a Sleep Schedule
You should try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day so your body's sleep-wake cycle can strengthen. It is also known as the circadian rhythm. The body uses this balance of wakefulness and sleep to function properly. If you are still awake 15 minutes after going to bed, then you should look for a relaxing activity like reading, then going back to bed when you start feeling sleepy.

2. Getting Enough Sleep at Night You should set a target of getting eight hours of sleep, but some people will require as little as six hours. If you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed without feeling sleepy or tired later on, it is a sign your body got enough sleep. The ideal situation is where you get up at the same time every day without the help of an alarm.

3. Establishing a Sleep Routine
It is a good idea to have rituals before bedtime to let the body know it is time to sleep . Some of them include listening to relaxing music, taking a hot bath, or reading. Dim down your lights to let your body know it is sleep time. Avoid stimulating activities like paying bills or working before bedtime. You also need to avoid using electronic devices or watching the TV before bedtime. They are going to stimulate your brain and make it harder for you to sleep.

4. Monitoring Your Eating and Drinking Habits Try eating 2-3 hours before bedtime because eating close to bedtime is going to result in discomfort making it hard for you to sleep. If it is close to bedtime and you are feeling hungry, then eat a sleep-promoting snack, herbal tea, or a glass of milk. You need to watch out for the number of drinks you consume before bedtime. You also need to avoid caffeine and alcohol because they will make it harder to fall into deep stages of sleep.

5. Creating a Room Ideal Only for Sleeping
You need to make your room dark, cool, quiet and comfortable. Buy room-darkening shades to minimize the amount of light entering your home. Get a fan to keep your room cool. Make sure your pillows and mattress are comfortable. Change your mattress every 10 years, read these Tuft and Needle mattress reviews if yours is due an update. Avoid using your bedroom for other activities like working or reading during the day. It needs to be used for sleep and sex only. When you enter your room, your brain is going to associate with sleep.

Author's Bio: 

Rakib is a freelance writer and proofreader. Writing is his passion, fashion, and obsession.