"My ex boyfriend won't talk to me and I still love him." If you've been saying or thinking this lately, don't panic. It's frustrating and confusing when you still have strong feelings for a man and he won't even give you the time of day. Many women find themselves facing this exact set of circumstances after a break up. Try as they might they can't get their ex to let down the guarded wall he's put up and let them back in. The problem is often in the approach that the woman is taking. If your ex boyfriend is ignoring you and all you want is another chance with him, you have to start by doing one thing and one thing only. You need to stop begging him to take you back.

Quite often what happens right after a break up is the person who did the breaking up basks a bit in the pain of the other person. This sounds heartless and it is, but it's a fact of life. If your boyfriend knows that your heart has broken into a million pieces because you constantly tell him that, he'll start to expect more and more of that. It feeds the ego in a way, and it leaves the person who was dumped in increasingly more and more pain. Some men will intentionally ignore you after a break up just to see how far you'll go to regain their love and affection. Most women in this situation will do things that will make her look desperate, including writing long letters of devotion, sitting for hours outside his home hoping to talk with him or calling him dozens upon dozens of times a day. He sees all of this as a sign of you in desperation. You don't want this to happen if you want him to want you back. You can see more about it at: How To Make Him Want You

The best advice for any woman whose ex boyfriend won't talk with her is simple. Send him a very short email or text message telling him you're sorry that things lead to a break up and wish him well. That is going to seem foreign to you given the fact that you don't want to wish him well, you want him back instead. You need to do this though because it appeals directly to his ego. What he'll see when he reads the note is a strong, confident woman in control of her emotions. He'll sense that you're on the cusp of moving forward without him. It will push him back into the reality of a life without you. Once you send it, stay strong and don't try and reach out to him again. No stalking him or calling him repeatedly. Just let things be. He'll notice, before long, that you're not chasing him around like a lost puppy. It's then that he'll start to reconsider whether a life without you is truly what he wants or needs. You can find more about it at: Text Message To Get Him Back

Why is it my ex boyfriend won't talk to me?

When your ex boyfriend won't even take your calls or reply to your messages it can feel so frustrating and painful! If you desperately want him back you might already have begged him to come back to you and even promised to change your ways... and if he has already started seeing someone else you might even have gone so far as to try to break up the new relationship... sound familiar? I have to admit I was in that position once and it made me very miserable.

So to begin with I want to give you 3 tips to help get your ex boyfriend talking to you so that you can work on building a relationship with him again.

1) Be honest with yourself - put yourself in your ex boyfriend's shoes

You need to ask yourself honestly "why is it that my ex boyfriend won't talk to me?" How have you behaved in your ex boyfriend's eyes since you broke up? Have you been constantly calling him... one minute begging him to come back and the next, angry and shouting or crying etc. Put yourself in his shoes and try to imagine how he sees you... and STOP any of those negative behaviors now or you risk looking immature or desperate. He may feel he is being hounded by you. Please don't be offended as these are of course normal human reactions which we all go through... but it is very important at this stage that you swallow your pride and be strong if you are serious about wanting to get back with your ex boyfriend. You need to see more about it at: Psychological Trick To Get Him Back

2) Keep things polite and civilised

The next time you see him when you are out in town or at college smile and say "hello" ask how he is and then leave it at that and go off and do your own thing. Always appear busy or on the way to see a friend. At this stage I would actually recommend that you do take up a new, enjoyable activity - whether it is learning to salsa dance, or to draw, make jewellery, or a new sport... anything that keeps you occupied and that you will enjoy.

This has two major benefits... firstly it will build your confidence as you will be meeting new people and keeping yourself busy and positive... so that you are not constantly thinking abut him. Secondly, when you are in as position to have a polite conversation with your ex boyfriend you can casually drop in to the conversation what you have been doing... so it will look like you are getting on with your life... and suddenly become more interesting! You can find more about it at: How To Act To Get Him Back

3) Do the unexpected

If you have been trying to talk to your ex, calling him several times of day (or even once a day) stop... in fact do not call if you have no reason to call (begging him to talk to you doesn't count as a reason). Stay away from the phone for at least a week and then make one call to say that you were thinking of him and wondered if he was doing ok... just keep it simple. If if makes you feel more comfortable you could send him a brief note instead (post it - it shows more effort than a text or email).

If he starts to sound suspicious wanting to know why you really called just reassure him that you just called because you missed him and wanted to check he is OK as you still care about him (don't say anything stronger than that at this stage). Be strong and end the call on a good note.

You will have succeeded in changing your behaviour from negative to positive and he will start to wonder what's going on... and start to feel curious!

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

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Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit How to Get Your Ex Back

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit What to Say to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back to find out more.

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