Several of my clients are not happy at their jobs. They don't feel appreciated. They don't feel challenged. They don't love the work. They wish they were doing something more fulfilling, more exciting, more passionate.

And their first questions to me are, "Can you help me write my objective on my resume. Can you help me find a new job."

And I ask them, are you looking for the same situation?

Because, unless we change the HOW and the WHY of what we are looking for, the WHAT will remain the same.

It's so easy to just want a new job. To get out of here, to find a new, better there. But, unless you take the time to figure out what you'd really love to be doing, you're going to end up in the same unsatisfying situation.

If you want a different outcome, you have to take a different approach.

I am not a career counselor. My job is not to help you find a job. My job is to help you get back in touch with your heart, your passion , to discover the work you are truly meant to do.

And it's a process.

And it takes time.

One of the assignments I give my clients is to write a list of all the things they don't like about their job. Then, on another piece of paper, they write everything they DO like about it.

It could be the actual work, the location, the hours, the people, what they wear, even the job title.

And then, on a third page, they begin to imagine their ideal work situation, incorporating what they don't want, what they do want and what else they've secretly wished for.

By dissecting the "problem" they are able to see that there are aspects of the job that ARE working. This way, they have something positive to focus on as they begin the deeper work. It gives them small reasons to stay at this job that they hate while they are exploring what else might be possible.

And then the real work can begin.

So where in your own life are you unhappy, dissatisfied, wishing for something more heart-centered? Are you so focused on these negative aspects that you aren't able to see any good in the current situation?

I invite you to take out your own piece of paper and list everything about this situation that isn't working for you. Then, on another paper, write everything that does bring you some sense of pleasure, satisfaction, pride.

And then, on a third page, give yourself permission to imagine your dream situation, where you feel fulfilled, appreciated, excited, thrilled to show up every day.

THIS is where you can begin to focus your attention.

THIS is how you begin to discover the work you are truly meant to be doing.

Author's Bio: 

Ruth Davis is a Creative Living Coach and the founder of Spark the Heart. In addition to one-on-one coaching, she leads workshops and retreats that combine practical coaching techniques with creativity and play to spark her clients' deepest passions and dreams.

Ruth's greatest passion is engaging with and encouraging others to explore who they really are and how they want to create and live a more passionate, more purposeful life. Click here to read her story.

In the midst of all this creativity, Ruth is also the owner of Mac to School, providing customized Macintosh computer trainer for home users and small business owners. For the past 23 years, her patient and enthusiastic approach to teaching has given her students the confidence and excitement to embrace the often overwhelming world of technology. Check out the free video tutorials on her website at