Creating a content marketing plan is the first step you need to take when planning to grow your company. Unfortunately it is not a priority for many business owners. When business is good, they feel they don't need to market and when business is slow they can't afford it financially or with time.

Many will find success in marketing quite by accident. They will post something that resonates with their clients and it goes viral. A PLAN makes those successes happen on purpose.

You've heard it before:

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

Benjamin Franklin, was right then and still today. So prepare a plan to make your content marketing a success today and in the future.

Step one: Determine your goals

What are your primary goals? Do you want to build a list? Grow your social media profiles? Sell your own products? Sell affiliate products? All of the above? Knowing your goals will help you decide what type of content to create and will allow you to determine where your successes lie.

Step two: Spy on the competition

Knowing what type of content your competition is creating, and how often they are posting it will give you an idea of what is happening in your industry and how your market responds.

Step three: Commit to consistent content

Decide how often you can realistically create content and commit to a plan. Use an editorial calendar and mark it with upcoming topics you’d like to cover along with a deadline for creating each one. Then stick to the plan.

Step four: Create your content

Once you’ve created your plan, it’s time to put it into action by creating quality content.

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Author's Bio: 

Brenda Trott , known as the "Make Money In Your Sleep Girl" helps small business owners stop cold calling by coaching them to be the "go-to" person in their field.through social media, book publications and public relations. She also helps them develop a diverse income where they too can make money in their sleep. When she isn't shuttling her kids all over town, she can be seen eating raw cookie dough while her 2 legged friends keep a watchful eye. Author of several how to media marketing books and nominated the best Social Media Strategist in Houston, she has been called upon by ABC radio and other media venues to chime in on the ever changing world of social media. She founded Done4U Media to promote businesses and their owners through attraction marketing and also offers classes to those who are not yet ready to give up their own marketing hat.