Your kids love drawing with permanent markers? Then you should not be amazed if you see that a huge permanent marker spot on your tile flooring is looking at you. Cleaning permanent marker stains on tile flooring is not so hard as you probably think. Moreover, you can get the desired results by following a few simple steps and using inexpensive products.
To learn how to remove the permanent market spot from your tile cheaply, our professional cleaners from Londonwill help you by giving you a few smart and easy tips to try. All of them can be find in the next lines.
1. If the spot is not very old, then you can try to remove it with a dry eraser marker and eraser. Just mark the entire spot with the marker and then erase over the area. If there are any remaining permanent marker on the surface, repeat the procedure again until you get the desired results.
2. Another method that can be also applied to forget about the annoying permanent marker spots on your tile flooring is by applying toothpaste over the stained area and then brush off the stain with an old, hard-bristled toothbrush. For this method, you will have to arm yourself with lots of patience. Repeat the application of the toothpaste a few times, then wipe the surface with a soft, old cloth and water. Toothpaste works great for cleaning such types of spots as it has very strong bleaching abilities.
3. To clean your tile flooring and make the permanent marker spot gone, our cleaning in London specialists recommend using hairspray. Spray over the spot and let it sit for several minutes. Next, you will need a clean damp rag to wipe the area clean. If this method is not effective enough to achieve your goals, then use a Magic Eraser. You can buy one from almost any home improvement store. Unfortunately, magic erasers do not come cheap, but they are extremely effective. So, if you are out of options or the spot is extremely stubborn, then the Magic Eraser can be your saviour. Just rub the Magic Eraser on the spot and do not stop until it disappears.
Sienna Brown is a free lance journalist, living in London and writing mainly about home cleaning, including carpet cleaning, window cleaning, upholstery cleaning, etc., gathering all the tips and information directly from London cleaning professionals.