Have you ever wondered which higher grade or which middle grade to study? In this article we have prepared a list with those who have more job openings and those who are better paid.Vocational training (VET) is the set of teaching methods in order to train students to perform their work in the best way. Within personal training there are three systems:

Specific Vocational Training , aimed at students seeking to enter the world of work.
Occupational Vocational Training , aimed at unemployed people who are seeking reintegration into the workplace.Continuous Vocational Training , aimed at active workers who seek continuous learning to be updated.

Within Specific Vocational Training is basic professional training, middle and upper cycles, which have the advantage that they work on the specific skills and knowledge of each area, managing to train professionals with great wisdom about their sector.

If you think that doing a FP is the most convenient for you, but you have doubts because the vast majority of your colleagues follow a different path, here you will find all the necessary information to know how to make the right decision about your future.

Fortunately for you, possible future VET student, currently all governments are putting great interest in this type of training, since improving the employment ratio makes companies more productive, thus helping to increase employment and inclusion Social.

The vast majority of young people may decide to take a different path from yours, but if you are clear that a FP is the best for you, the first step you should take is to take a look at the options that exist in your country. We leave you some examples: Argentina , Spain , Mexico , Chile and Colombia .

In the intermediate level training cycles , a technical or technical qualification is obtained . This title allows you to access baccalaureate, other middle grades or higher level training cycles.

To access these studies, you have two ways:

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If you have Compulsory Secondary Studies (ESO) or a basic vocational qualification you can access directly.
If this is not your case, you must be at least 17 years old and you must pass an entrance test and the specific training course.
The intermediate grade training cycles are characterized by the fact that the practical part of each module is higher than any other course, which trains the student in a better way, and prepares them to face the world of work.

In short, an intermediate degree enables students to carry out technical work within the profession they are studying.

Currently the demand for higher-level vocational training is booming on the part of the different labor sectors, as they increasingly seek professional technicians.

By completing this training cycle, you obtain a technical or higher technical degree from the profession you study. This degree demonstrates that you have the appropriate capacities and abilities to assume responsibilities for planning and executing activities within your workplace. Ultimately, it is a “check” towards recruiters that they can trust you.

These cycles are aimed at students seeking practical higher studies in order to incorporate themselves in the best possible way into the world of work .

In order to access them, you have two access routes:

If you have a bachelor's degree or equivalent, you will not need to do entrance tests.
But if you have it, you will have to take the entrance exams or have a medium-level technical degree and have passed the course for incorporation into CFGS.Advantages of middle and higher grades
There are many advantages of professional training. We will tell you so you can decide if this type of training is the most convenient for you:

More realistic vision of the professional future. Thanks to the practices that students carry out, they are in a more attractive position for recruiters.
These training cycles are organized by modules, and although they usually take two years, it is the student who decides when he wants to study. These cycles are also more affordable. In short, this type of training offers flexibility and accessibility.
High rate of labor insertion thanks to the qualities and skills that are acquired.
Great variety of professional families to be able to choose the degree that you like the most. This allows you to specialize in only one sector and become an expert in it, contrary to what universities achieve, which is to teach a little of everything, but nothing at the same time.
If this type of training is booming in Spain, imagine yourself as in the rest of the world. The 50% of the working population of Europe has a degree of FP . So if you are considering working abroad in a future, you should rest easy because VETs are highly recognized around Europe .
To stand out, and therefore succeed in today's world of work, it is necessary to have continuous training . There are many ways to achieve this, such as taking intermediate and then higher FP, and later a degree or a course. More and more students and workers recognize the importance of being up-to-date on the most relevant issues and updating themselves so as not to be left behind in such a changing world, which is why online courses are increasingly common , for example.
In short, both the middle and higher grades increase the possibility that you will get the job that you want so much because they qualify you in the best way.

Higher grades with more outputsIn recent years, all students went directly to the university at the end of school, without even considering why they did it and if it was in their best interest. But today, it has been proven that university studies are not synonymous with a good professional .

So, if your path is to vocational training, you are in luck, because this training is increasingly valued and more demanded due to the lack of profiles of this type.

Middle grades with more outputsThe medium-level vocational training allows you to be trained, both theoretically and practically , to meet the current needs of the labor market. This is reflected in the high demand for companies by people with these profiles.

These are the middle grades with the most job opportunities : Survey Expert

Medium degree cycle in Administrative Management.
Medium degree cycle in Administration and Finance.
Medium degree cycle in Nursing Assistant.
Intermediate degree cycle in Computer Applications Consultant.
Medium degree cycle in Software Designer.
In short, the professional training courses with the most job openings are those related to health , administration and management , electricity and vehicle maintenance, aesthetics and hairdressing, and commerce and marketing.

Author's Bio: 

Learningcaff is best place to find training Institute for your training.