Presentation boards are a universal solution that is easy to work with and simple to solve tasks. The scope of their application is not limited to anything - they will become indispensable assistants in conducting presentations or meetings, can be used for advertising purposes or in training employees.

Flipboard of the 21-th century Samsung FLIP

The effective work of a modern office depends on a number of factors, including a high professional level of employees, modern technical support, and uninterrupted supply of office supplies. The normal life of the office is the implementation of new projects, seminars, product presentations and much more. To make these processes more visual, to effectively present the available information use special boards for presentations or flipcharts.

The first patent for the production of flipcharts was obtained in 1913, but it is known for certain that the first boards with paper blocks fixed on them began to be used back in the early nineteenth century.

Today, presentation boards are used not only in offices but also in training centers, educational institutions, during exhibitions, seminars. Simple design, convenient operation, presentable appearance are the main reasons that allowed flipcharts to become an indispensable accessory for any type of presentation.

Types of Flipcharts

A flipchart is a small board that can be fixed on a wall, for example, a Wall Magnetic Dry-Erase Board or portable, for example, a Flipchart on a Tripod or a Double-sided Rotary Board On Wheels, with the possibility of placement in any convenient place.

The following types of presentation boards are available:

· Paper;
Marker;· Magnetic;
· Magnetic marker.

A paper flipchart is the simplest kind of display board. Perfect for presentations, because it allows you to pre-prepare the material presented. The notes made on the notepad tear-off sheets can be analyzed after discussion or rewritten by listeners in breaks. The Office Manager company offers high-quality Cork Boards in an Aluminum Frame with various dimensions.

A marker flipchart, for example, Dry-erased Blackboard in an Aluminum Frame, is one of the most popular types of boards, widely used for training. The inscriptions made with colored markers and felt-tip pens are better remembered and look much more spectacular than those made with chalk. The contents of the board are easily erased with a special dry sponge.

Magnetic flipchart - to fix information (graphs, charts, drawings) on such boards is extremely simple - they use magnets, which can also be bought in our online store.

A magnetic marker flipchart, for example, Wall Magnetic Board (Dry-erase) is one of the most practical and interesting options that combines the positive characteristics of two types of devices.

Flipchart Accessories

Accessories for Presentation Boards will not only significantly facilitate their use, but also extend the life of flipcharts. We recommend that you use only special markers to create labels, for example, a set of markers for whiteboards. Markers are felt-tip pens with different shapes and thickness of the pen (3-12 mm). The following types of markers are offered to the consumer:

· Water-based - easy to wash off from any surface, wash off, do not have a pungent odor. Dyes with particles of hygroscopic substances that impede the quick drying of the drawn line are used as ink here;· Permanent - they contain alcohol, are distinguished by the presence of a sharp and specific smell, the lines drawn with their help dry quickly.

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