Canada is a nation that prides itself on multi-culturalism and opportunity. Our diverse cultural heritage provides a welcoming environment for individuals and families . Building social connections and a sense of belonging brings people together in ways that strengthen individual relationships as well as whole communities.

There are several things that you can do to develop strong social connections and a sense of belonging:

Plan community events: One of the simplest ways to bring a community together is through shared experience. Events like an international food festival, a sports league featuring activities from around the world, and health and wellness programs drawing on different cultures, are excellent ways of bringing people together.

Think outside your box: Learning about different cultures and practices can open your mind to a whole new way of life. Many of us get caught up in our own routines and practices and forget that there are other ways of doing things. Try talking to different community members, ranging from youth to seniors, to understand their take on the world. Invite individuals of different cultures to participate in community planning to ensure that every voice is heard.

Try new things: Positively impacting your community can go beyond volunteering your time and resources. Consider getting involved in your community by working for the 2016 Census as an enumerator or a crew leader. Census enumerators are responsible for identifying dwellings on maps, conducting personal interviews, and following up with respondents in person and by phone, while crew leaders are responsible for leading, training and supervising a team of enumerators. These positions provide an opportunity to meet new people and build relationships with members of your community.

A strong feeling of unity in a community can make residents feel comfortable and at home. Information on census jobs is available online at .

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